Most of us enjoy "the hunt." Many of us enjoy the process of transforming an object that has been cast off - revising it into a useful, beautiful object that we may use in our home.
Some of us sell our items to someone with less vision or time and a better manicure.
A lot of us see beauty in patina, flaws, cracks and chips. Some of us painstakingly repair and restore these items, while others celebrate the flaws. Both styles are acceptable - even admirable.
Most of us don't mind buying something needs patching, painting, or mending. We actually enjoy doing the things it takes to make these items precious!
We buy things that are dirty.
Because dirty things can be bought dirt cheap!
Sometimes we find things that only need a fresh coat of spray paint, and a little elbow grease to clean them.
This act of revision and recreation helps us create cozy, unique homes for our families. It contributes to our income. It grows our skill sets and our creativity. It encourages others to do the same. It brings us joy, satisfaction, and confidence - more than any perfect manicure could.
Word for the Day:
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
Thank you to those of you who have encouraged me without ever knowing.
Linking this with: (Saturday Nite Special) (Would you Buy it Wednesday)