
Monday, December 30, 2013

Top Ten Posts of 2013


The Best Thing I EVER Found in a Thrift Store...

This one really got my heartbeat up. Cardio-Thrifting. 
Now there's an exercise plan I might actually stick with!

This vintage trophy-turned-lamp was waiting for me in one of my favorite little stores for under $5. I took it home and disassembled it to find the sterling stamp. I also had a very well-informed commenter who graciously shed some light on this find. Though it still remains a mystery, Robin suggested that in 1931, only very affluent people could join a country club and participate in a golf tournament. It may even have been associated with a famous professional! I have no idea of the location of the tournament, the club or the person who was awarded this trophy, but I love the very idea of it. 


Befores and Afters: 7 FURNITURE PIECES

Yes we do. We all love a good before and after! This reminds me...I need to get busy and do some more "afters." I have been a tad complacent lately.


CeCe Caldwell and Annie Sloan: How do they compare?

Face it. Inquiring minds want to know...especially before plunking down a chunk of change. This post is for people like me, who prefer to purchase mis-tint sample pots for .50c to pricey "designer" paints that are available these days. If I'm going to spend hard-earned cash on a product, it better be worth it!


Seven Things to Do With a Rusty Rake

I had planned to do a whole series of "seven things" this year. Apparently, a series means three
( the same rules apply to collections? I think I heard something like that.) 

This rusty rake post was the favorite of the three posts. Sorry, I really dropped that ball...but I do plan to pick it up again in 2014.


Industrial/Elegant/Cottage Living Room Plans

I am still enjoying mixing vintage industrial and elegant elements into my living room. Though some seasons (like Christmas) I take much of the industrial stuff away, it always comes back. 

I DO adore combining opposite sorts of things in the same room. That sort of juxtaposition excites something deep within my soul.


$1.50 Sofa Makeover

This is hands-down my favorite project of 2013. It made the biggest impact in my living room since painting the walls last year. 

My $60 1980's mauve and blue plaid thrift store find went from being a somewhat dirty dog bed to something sorta pretty. It all happened in an evening, and for only $1.50 in mis-tint paints. LOVE IT!


DIY Mercury Glass - Lamp Reveal!

This post was part tutorial, part surprise and I still love it! 
I'm still a big fan of this Looking Glass paint, and mercury glass in general - faux and otherwise. I'm still "playing around" with it, so you'll most likely see more posts in the future.


Yep, Another Faux Mercury Glass Post...

In all honesty, I am slightly ticked that this is my #3 post of all time. Seriously. 

If I had only KNOWN it would turn out to be 3rd place, I would have taken a little more care with the NAME, the PHOTOS, well...EVERYTHING. Now, I feel trapped. 

This was my first experiment with Krylon Looking Glass paint. I had seen other posts, and there was some pretty good information out there, so my post just elaborated on them via my personal experience. I filled in the blanks. The info is pretty good, but everything else makes me cringe. 


ANSWERS to Your Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Questions...

This post was in response to my #1 most visited post of all time below. I got plenty of questions and comments on the post, and attempted to share the information.

I NEVER imagined when I made this post that it would be the most visited post my blog. I simply had questions and I figured others might be asking them as well. 

So far, over ten thousand people have visited this post. It just goes to show - we are not alone in our interests! That is one of my favorite aspects of blogging.

Word for the Day:
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men...

Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party

Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday

Saturday Nite Special


  1. it's interesting what posts get visited the most, isn't it? wishing you a wonderful new year, revi!

  2. the rusty rake and the sofa makeover are my favorite!!

  3. I loved this little look back Revi! I just did the same thing on my blog. That trophy was such an awesome find! Happy New Year!

  4. I enjoyed taking this trip of 2013 with you. Since I've been out sick most of the year it was nice to catch up with you! Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

  5. Looks like a wonderful year. Can't wait to see what 2014 brings.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. I've enjoyed getting to know your style. Happy 2014 every single day!

  7. I enjoyed your recap. Happy New Year!

  8. Featured your top 10 projects on Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life!
