
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


My 2013 List:

Living More Intentionally! - all in all, this was pretty successful.

Seven things I intended to do to revise my life in 2013:

1.       Get up 30 min. earlier  
          begin my day with quiet time for prayer & reading the Bible.
FAIL. I will only do this if I have a good reason. I am more likely to stay up 30 min. later.

2.       Follow Alkaline, Low Carb, Healthy Eating Plan 
                  Eat this way at least 5 days per week
SUCCESS - All in all - this went pretty well. I need to cut my sugar intake more, but smaller portions and low carb is working for me. 

3.       Be Active 5 Days per Week - 
          At 30 minutes activity per day: Gym, Walk Outside, Yoga Videos, Exercise bike
FAIL - with a disclaimer. I have a knee injury that has put a kink in my exercise. Still, I could do more than I have. It's just SO BORING.

4.       Resume Volunteering for Hospice
SUCCESS, but with unexpected results. I resumed volunteering with a new hospice provider. It was totally different than the way the former place worked. I was basically called spur of the moment to sit in a care facility with people who were either sleeping or agitated to the point of injuring themselves. I much prefer being assigned to a person, getting to know them, working a schedule for visits during my free-time. I was asked to resume Stephen Ministry, so I opted to do that in 2014 instead of Hospice.

5.       Increase Income
a.      Create & market jewelry line
b.      Continue Garage Sales - to park in the garage 
c.      Increase Etsy Activity
LIMITED SUCCESS IN ALL - but there is still much room for improvement.

6.       Improve photography skills
a.      Create an indoor space
b.      Schedule daylight time
c.      Study and improve creativity

NOT SO MUCH - with a disclaimer. a. is a work in progress. b. was somewhat successful. c. worked well, until I lost the camera I had studied about, knew and loved. Of course, the same model was not available anymore - unless I wanted to pay twice what I originally paid for it. My new camera is not as good. 

7.       Mini Makeovers to update house:
a.       Kitchen – paint & new accessories
b.      Guest Room – paint, paint furniture, etc.
c.       Main bath – paint, new linens, etc.
d.       Recover Sofa

FINALLY - SUCCESS! - Kitchen was painted, though I am probably going to repaint it. Guest room was painted, and all I need to finish is to paint the chest of drawers and tweak the curtain. Main bath was painted and I bought some new white towels and wash cloths. I must say - I am not a fan. Even though I bleach them, they do not look clean enough. I wonder if our hard water has anything to do with it? Sofa was painted, which is fine for now. 

For my blog, I've also got some ideas I'd like to put out there:
  • I'd love to co-host a weekend link party. (Any takers?) NOT A PEEP. 
  • I'm planning to do a series - seven things to do with... I did 3 in 2013, and plan to do more in 2014.
  • I'd like to begin advertising this year...intentionally and thoughtfully and appropriately. Still cogitating on this one. It is a last priority.

Word for the Day:
Proverbs 16:9
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.


  1. I think you did pretty well with your resolutions from last year! I don't make any, because I'm terrible at following through. Once again your blog hasn't been showing up on my blogroll, so I'm adding your address to my blog again. There are 3 or 4 blogs that keep disappearing from my blogroll and I have no idea why!

  2. Evening Revi, Happy Blessed New Year! You had a good list for 2013.....and did very well! I'm excited about 2014 and believe it's going to be an awesome year in Christ! Looking forward to your blog~~~~Roxie

  3. Happy New Year, Revi! Many of the items on your list last year are on my list this year. I would like to get up 30 minutes earlier each morning, lower sugars and carbs in my diet, and take a photography class to improve my skills. The first one is the hardest because I tend to stay up too late - perhaps go to bed earlier is another resolution. I wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2014!
