
Friday, January 3, 2014


I had hoped to do it last year...maybe as part of a small group.

 It didn't happen. 

The community aspect of blogging has been an unexpected joy in my life.

I have been blessed with meaningful connections with bloggers I would never have met in my "regular" life. 

I have a sweet friend in Alabama and another in Houston. There are others with whom I share genuine concern and affection along with loyal visits to each other's blogs for inspiration. 

I had no idea this "perk" existed when I decided to begin blogging in 2011.

Another perk that occasionally hits me right between the eyes is how much a blog increases self-awareness - at least in some areas of my life.

I know what I like as well as what I want to live with - more than I did before I began blogging. 

I have a better understanding of the fact that it is very important to me to live in a home that is an extension of who I am as a person. 

I know I could never be a minimalist. I live by the "vacuum theory." 

If a space is empty, I feel an overwhelming urge to fill it. 
I must make conscious attempts to edit myself regularly. 

I know I prefer "real" natural materials to plastic, age and patina to new and shiny. (Exception: small amounts of a touch of the unexpected...for contrast. I love contrast.)

Juxtaposing old and new, modern and primitive, rough and smooth...

I get excited just thinking about it! Sometimes it doesn't work, but I still try it.

I get a thrill when I find something on my "list" of collectibles for a few pennies at a thrift store or garage sale. 

Here's the kicker: Some of the things that excite me are not precious at all. I'm not exactly sure why they excite me, but I know them when I see them. 

For example: the .10c rusty hammer head I found at a garage sale. 

I love vintage books, pearl buttons, keys... 

wire containers, boxes, mirrors, picture frames...

vintage books, orbs, candlesticks...

rusty things, tarnished silver and sliver plate things...

chippy white things, white ironstone and china...

door knobs, door plates, iron hardware...


letters and numbers of all kinds...


Sometimes I sell things on Etsy. 

Sometimes I immediately add them to my environment.

Sometimes, they need a little work or re-visioning.

Sometimes I put them away for a future use. This can get me and my garage in trouble...

As I finish updating a room, or even tweaking a room for a new season, I often take a visual inventory of the items I include. 

I estimate that over 80 percent of my belongings are items that belonged to someone else before they came to live with me. 

That does not bother me - I even prefer it for decorative things. I sometimes imagine how something got it's dings and dents, but real life is probably even more interesting - if only I could know it. 

It's a mystery-history; provenance unknown. 

Consider the sterling golf trophy from 1931...the midst of the "Great Depression." It was most likely owned by someone of considerable wealth and affluence - awarded at a tournament where a famous golfer may have played. I will probably never know, but I enjoy thinking about it. 

If you share a similar love for items with a mystery-history, items with a patina that only comes after years of experience, items that excite your senses and your sensibilities, I invite you to join me. 

I am working on a link party - THRIFTY LIFE THURSDAY

Come share your previously owned, flea market/thrift store/garage sale treasure or curbside freebie. 

You may share it as-is, or as you have added your creativity to it. The main requirement is that something be previously owned. 

I look forward to this new endeavor with you, as well as the new friends waiting to be encountered!

If all goes as I hope, I'll begin the party on Wednesday evening at 9 p.m., Central Standard Time.

Word for the Day:
May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans!

Possibly Linking With:
Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Metamorphosis Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
Blissfully White Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Penny Pinching Party
Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday
Creative Inspirations
Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Fabulously Creative Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Party Junk
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Well, this is going to be fun! I'll be here on Wednesday night. :)
    I see you haven't listed the trophy lamp. Have you decided to keep it?

  2. what a lovely collection. I love the eccentric look come see what we shared at

  3. oh, how fun, revi! i'm glad you decided to do the party:) you are queen of finding thrifty treasures!

  4. You've got so many interesting collections, Revi. I know just what you mean about finding something that gets your heart pumping. I seem to be attracted to children's items and small things. It may be that I don't have room for any more furniture in our small house! I think I can find something to link up this week. I better get a post together!

  5. I love your photos. Everything is beautiful.

    I think good percentage of my decor and books are second hand, including some of my furniture. Most of the wall art in our home is original: friends, my daughter, myself, and some purchased.

  6. it is amazing
    what this blogging thing
    teaches us

    as for your home
    it is lovely

    filled with trinkets
    and treasures
    that clearly have been collected
    with skill

    i think
    that most of what's in my own home
    is second hand with a story

    here's to a new year
    filled with ever more treasure!


  7. Good morning,
    Just saw something that inspired me greatly, that fire place filled with books. I always get inspired by your post.

  8. Oh I so understand your way of thinking...and your party sounds like fun!

  9. We like so many of the same things!! I have tried to go more "minimal"...but it just doesn't work for me :) Happy New Year! Laurel

  10. This Party is for me as most everything we have as been previously owned. I surely can come up with a post for your party. Your house looks lovely with all the once loved and time worn treasures. We seem to love the same things.
    Blessings for the new year and forever.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  11. I came to look again, since I saw you featured at Lavender Cottage.

    Keys are very Alice in Wonderland. My daughter collects them too.

  12. I love your finds and your lovely home! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on over and grab a feature button. Here is the link to this week's party. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  13. What a timeless & beautiful home you have… would go thrift shopping with you any day!
    Brandi @ Nest of Bliss

  14. LOVE LOVE that pretty gallery wall you created over your couch!!

  15. Your wire basket is fun. Is it vintage?

  16. I think the little wire basket is technically vintage, but not antique. It may have been from the 1980's, but since I bought it for .87c at a thrift store, I'm not sure of its age. There were no markings on it that would allow me to google it.
