
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why We Love Vintage Shabby

Please don't be offended by the title of this post.
It's just, well, you should probably know this about me:
I am a woman with theories about things.

Things like: 

Why liver is NOT good for you.

Why hot coffee spills more easily than iced tea.

Why certain people are mean. (OK, so this one's a coping skill.)

So when I post about why we love all things
vintage, shabby, chippy and rusty, 
it is just another theory of mine.

So, why did I get excited when I dug this out of a pile 
of leaves and wood scraps in my storage shed?

Well, here's my theory:

I (and apparently a lot of you, too), so WE
like vintage shabby stuff because of these things:



It reminds us of a time in which we did not live, therefore
we can think sweet, romantic thoughts about it.
(not about actually having to haul and drink water from it)

We can wonder about who made it, who used it, 
who loved it when it was new and other romantic things.


We are baffled by it being thrown out or sold for pennies.
We don't understand why others don't see it's charm or its value.
We wonder why it is considered as junk, when the
craftsmanship and materials are better than 
most things available to us today for a lot more money.

Things today are plastic, plain, or disposable. 
It costs too much to produce an ornamental door plate.
Metal, glass and wood things last too long. 
Our economy would be adversely affected
if things didn't break or wear out so quickly.
Oh, yeah, and go out of style in a year. Or less.


These things connect us to the past,
sometimes to family we cherished and now they're gone.
Sometimes to people we never knew.
We are amazed that this simple thing was 
touched by their hands. It decorated their home.
We know that chip was caused when
great uncle Fred through a toy tractor at grandpa.
It makes us feel closer, and a part of a family.

Or as in my case, if you did not have a family of "keepers,"
you buy other non-keepers' stuff and imagine your own stories.

My mom is a keeper, but my grandparents were not.


What? You never thought of yourself as a rebel?
You are. You are choosing to do things differently.
You will not follow the pack. You wouldn't dream of
ordering a room full of matching furniture.  

And think about this one: We live in a high-tech culture.
Don't think you're a techie? You're sitting at a computer now.
You may have an I-phone. You may tweet and text.
You can take photos and email them. With your phone.

OK, Jane Jetson, how do you 
counter-balance all this high-tech, slick and shiny,
 new and improved, state-of-the-art,
something point something version of lifestyle?

 By surrounding yourself with a little rust. 
Or something handmade. 
Maybe a piece of
textural original art. 
You are SUCH a rebel.

So, how much cash did I pay for all this?

Seven. Buckaroos. 
(Yes, we say that here in Texas.)
And I was happy to do it.

And those people  who sold it were probably
laughing all the way to the bank.

That's OK. They didn't know I wanted to make one of these:

I don't think I could even buy a cheap towel bar for $7.

Word for the Day:

The Throne in Heaven ] 

After this I looked, and there before me 
was door standing open in heaven. 
And the voice I had first heard 
speaking to me like a trumpet said, 
“Come up here, and I will show you 
what must take place after this.”

If you haven't yet been to the door, 
and then one day you find yourself there,
just knock. That's all you have to do. 
You will love what you find on the other side.

Linking With


Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday

Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday
Motivate Me Monday 
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. I love this post and I think that was an incredible deal for $7.00! I agree! I think that is a wonderful way of looking at why we value the old and the worn. It helps to build the character within us.


    PS I love the new look of your blog :)

  2. Revi,
    Thanks for checking out my blog, I too am new to this blogging there's alot out there! When I began writing on caringbridge to update friends and family on my cancer progress, the Lord turned it into a way for me to have an outlet and for others to see HIS glory and faithfulness! I didn't even realize, at first, that it was called a blog..ha! Then as I recovered, He called me begin a new blog (and also, every time I would write on caringbridge, it would scare people, thinking something was wrong..but oh no, my Great Healer had done the thing!!) Anyway, I am learning, don't have as much time as I would like to dedicate to writing but am making it more of a priority! I love decorating with finds from garage and thrift, am from the South, live in Birmingham, Al and love the Lord with all my heart so I think we have a few things in common. Thanks for your inspiring blog! God will use it in a mighty way! Love todays post...i have a thing for doors...God is always opening those no man can shut, right? Have a beautiful Sunday!! Blessings, Suzanne

  3. I think you are a wise woman. There are several reasons that I choose to use rusty things my neighbors (and even some family members!) call garbage. Being a rebel is one I hadn't even thought of, but I think you hit the nail on the head! I also like the craftmanship aspect. For me, creativity has a lot to do with it as well; I love trying to figure out a use for something other people may have NO use for. The 'green' thing too... I really do think that as a Christian I need to do my part to protect this gorgeous world God made for us! Thank you for a delightful post, that really made me THINK!

  4. You are absolutely right on! I often buy things because they DO make me wonder about the home they were in or the people who used them.

  5. Love your vintage post. I feel the same way with just about everything. So wistful for the past....but am thankful for the fluoride.

  6. If people laugh when I want to buy parts, something rusty, something old or maybe something nobody else wants....I just smile and think to myself, ok for you - more for me. I think your towel knobs will be fabulous. I love the idea.


  7. You should go to my blog and look at my latest post that tells how to create your own rust and look on the sidebar and see the link to the post called inspiration and you will see a really cool light fixture you can make out of all those door plates. I think you'll fall in love!

  8. Brilliant post.

    And nice treasure score for $7 - whoot.

    Have a blessed Holy Easter Week!

  9. You are Right On with your theory.
    That was an incredible buy for $7. Around here one doorplate costs more than that.

  10. I always love it when I come across another Texas blogger! Found you thru White Wednesday. This is a great post! I can totally relate to the excitement of digging up something rusty and crusty!

  11. Lovely post. I look forward to seeing you at My Dram Canvas.

  12. revi, this is such a wonderfully written post! you wrote everything i feel:)

  13. Great post. I think you hit the nail on the head. And I love, love, love your door knobs and back plates. I was lucky enough to find one vintage door plate at my local thrift store. And hubby had an old glass door knob. So I married the two and I couldn't be happier. Unless I were to find a lot like yours. Then I would be happier.

  14. Love the way you described why we love shabby vintage. You truly have a gift for writing. Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing at Restyled Sundays. Be sure to come back this week.

  15. Revi those are awesome door knobs and such! I love what you did with them. Nothing like some vintage charm! Thanx for partying at THT!


