
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Frugal Finds

Frugal Finds

What do you think you might do with this?
I'd love to hear some ideas.

It's obviously handmade, a little wonky.
I plan to paint it some shade of turquoise and sell it.

Another wood piece was this plate.
Though the grain is pretty, it's destined for paint.

Maybe I'll do something fancy on it, instead of plain.
I thought it might work with a cloche. 

Here's a bit of a departure for me. 
I bought two vintage bags. They were each $3. 

What was I thinking? 

I'll tell you. I was thinking, "These are cool. I see things like this on Etsy. 
Somebody should have these." 

I really need a more convenient outlet than Etsy.

I think I sold one thing this quarter. 
It might be because I don't have much listed. 

It's difficult to make it to the post office to ship things.
I'm also terrible at estimating the cost of shipping. 

I do plan to start making jewelry again, 
if I can stop blogging and Pinterest.

PLEASE help me if you have wisdom to share!
I really need some. 

I'm a picker with no working outlet.

Word for the Day:

Luke 12:33
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. 
Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, 
a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, 
where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 

May your purses be bulging!

Linking With


Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday

Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday


  1. Revi-
    I didn't even know you HAD an Etsy Store... Maybe you should put it on your side bar. Advertise it. I know lots of women that have started their stores late last year and 1 I know this year...and they are doing well.
    But they advertise. It is part of the business. Don't think of it as 'self-promotion' so much as 'business'.
    --that's the only advice I have. Don't know if it's wisdom or not. {wink} ~Pat

  2. Booth ... a good mall and a booth. You have the touch and the eye for the goods. Plus you would so enjoy it.

  3. I would use the wooden item as a bird feeder and hang it very close to the glass doors my cats look out of, because, well, they love watching birds.

  4. I am going to move over to etsy too.I really don't know how to figure out shipping either.I have been just adding it to my price and not adding shipping to that.I figure out what it would be.I am usually pretty close.I am your newest follower.Thank you for visiting whitelacecottage.

  5. Great treasures. I love the hanging planter. I would fill it with pretty greenery and flowers or full of faux fruit and of course hang it on the wall. Pretty in the bathroom also with soaps and a loofa sponge. The purses are fabulous. Such wonderful finds and the price is unreal. Thanks so much for the visit and your gracious comments. I enjoyed finding your blog and am your newest follower. Hugs, Marty

  6. I think the little wooden wall bowl would be so cute painted in either white or turquoise with a monogram on it. Perfect for by the door for keys and such. You have an eye for finding great things!

  7. I love your wooden planter [?] will be adorable painted! I agree with the previous posters...Etsy takes some work, and it definitely has its slow times. I do find that the more I list, the more I sell...but that's just me. Good luck with whatever you decide. You have such a great eye!

  8. Yes, advertise your ETSY store on your side bar for sure! Also, get yourself a postal scale. Weigh your items after you package them, so you know the cost. Also the post office will pick up packages at your home as long as you ship priority mail. You can purchase your shipping labels online through the post office as long as you know the weight and size. Then you just print them out and tape them to the package. After you print out your label you can schedule a pickup.

    Another great thing is that you can order FREE priority mail boxes in lots of 25. They will deliver them to your house for free also!

    Hope that helps!

  9. Yes you need to advertise, revi. Have u joined common ground on Monday's? I like the bird feeder idea, it would be cute white!

  10. Great post, great finds. I wish I had a thrift shop near me. I do what I can to get my etsy shop noticed, hang in there. Love the purses and is that a bird feeder? I love it. Thank you for sharing xo
