
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Change Has Come...

Change of plans. Change of life. Change of heart.
I'm SO there. 

First, I was going to GO GREEN. 
It was practical. I'm a very practical person. Ask anyone.
But my heart just wasn't in it. 

Though it meant more work,
a lot more paint, and a new sofa, 
I got excited and started CHANGING MY PLANS.

New plans included painting this:

At first, I was going to distress it so you could see some green.
Now that is painted and as pristine as a piece like this can be,
I just can't do it. Something about this pristine coat of
new white paint just feels right. There will be other chippy
things in this room, so for now it will stay like this:

Trust me. It still has plenty of character.

And I have to find a new old hasp to replace the one that was
broken when this piece fell out of my friend's truck. Yep, it survived
except for the hasp. It's very solid. I think someone kept tools in it.

I'm pretty sure it will stay in my living room, but it might
move to my bedroom when I see how things
start fitting in. It will work either place. My living room

Industrial = wire box, silver & gray, mercury glass lamp, and old chest

Elegant = French picture frame, vintage photo frame, cement planter

Cottage = old books, flowers from my garden, candles 

It has become apparent to me 
that I like contrasts.

I love complimentary colors together.
I love old and new together.
I love rough and refined together.
I love elegant and industrial together.
I love modern and primitive together.

I also love thrifty. Everything in this post 
(except the candles and lamp shade)
is from either a thrift store or a garage sale. 

Word for the Day:

Romans 7:6
But now, by dying to what once bound us, 
we have been released from the law 
so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, 
and not in the old way of the written code.

May you always know which old things to keep 
and which new things to welcome!

Linking With


Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Love the white painted piece and the vignette! I also love contrasts. I think it makes for an interesting mix.

  2. Revi,

    I just love this piece. Your vignette is so sweet. Great job!

  3. Oh, the chest looks so pretty with the new coat of white paint! I love the mercury glass lamp, too.

  4. it looks so much lighter and brighter... just not as heavy. great call on the white!

  5. Oh my sweet goodness... I really like this Industrial Elegant Cottage style of yours.
    Is this the name you came up with yourself or something you got from all your book smarts? ...refresh me, I can't remember.
    I love the little metal wire box on top with the lid and candles. I love the tool crate painted pristine white. Once it starts to get dinged up and marred over will STILL blend in so nice!
    I like your artwork-- you key framed by the Elegant frame.
    I was wondering, is that key significant? Or just one you dug out of drawer or something?
    Don't you just wonder about peoples art work sometimes?

    ...I like the Change, Pat

  6. your corner is beautiful, revi! love the cabinet painted white:)

  7. Hey, I love the way you've styled your painted cabinet....which looks great, btw. I'm right there with you....changing things up all the time....that's what keeps us ticking!
    Mary Alice

  8. LOve the cabinet white! and the way you put everything together!

  9. Looks like such a sweet moment, Tamala. Are you happy with all your progress?
    You are on the ball.:)

  10. I think you did right when you chose the white it's great the whole thing is wonderful. Is this one of your lamps you painted? Love it.

  11. Very beautifully detailed !!!
    Blessings Lori

  12. Just found your this post..and your arrangement of old and new! Fabulous cabinet!! And best of all the scripture at the end, Blessings to you! Have a beautiful day!
