
Monday, May 12, 2014

Seven Reasons to LOVE Thrift Stores, Flea Markets & Garage Sales

You might think reason numero uno would be price...but no.

Except for the pillow, EVERYTHING in the above photo was either free (church storage building clean-out) 
or was purchased at a thrift store or garage sale. EVERYTHING. Even the faux flowers and artwork.

Reason #1 - QUALITY

Old stuff is REAL. Real wood, glass, ceramic, metal, etc. 
More than likely, your thrift store piece is not made of resin or plastic. It has already stood the test of time. A little cleaning (maybe some glue or paint or stain) and you're good for another 50 years. 

Detail of my $60 sofa after its $1.50 Makeover

Reason #2 - PRICE

Not only is it nearly impossible to find the quality in new stuff that you find in old stuff, but if you DID find it, it would be extremely expensive. People may THINK antiques are expensive, but compare them to the prices of new furniture...
Old stuff has nicer wood, cooler carvings, amazing hardware and even casters. 

Except for the Bible, the art glass piece next to the ceramic bottle and a Walmart lamp shade, 
everything in this photo was found curbside, at a thrift store or garage sale. Even the topiary.

Reason #3 - STYLE

If you're reading this, most likely you are not someone who prefers to go into a furniture store and purchase a total room of matching furniture. You want to express your individuality and have a home with layers, textures and history. If you weren't blessed (like my friend Marsha) to have a family who kept all the cool old stuff, you have to seek it out. My grandmother wanted everything new and shiny, chrome and glass. She grew up in the Great Depression. She was not sentimental, and sold things in garage sales for pennies. 
NOTE: If you are blessed to have family pieces, it's a great connection! USE them.

Now, I go to other people's grandmother's garage sales. :) I have a home full of adopted history. I LOVE mixing old and new, fancy and plain, rough and refined. It excites my sensibilities!

Reason #4 - IT IS NO BIG DEAL
If something breaks, it's not precious. It's great for houses with children, and for single fifty-something clutzes alike. 
If it can't be fixed, it can be replaced. No tears. No regrets. Things can remain in their proper place - less important than people and good times spent together.

Reason #5 - IT IS "GREEN"
I like the idea of "saving" something from a landfill and giving it a new life in a new environment. Even though I would do this even if it weren't green, this is a bigger deal for some people than it is for me. 

Picture frame turned faux antique mirror

Reason #6 - IT IS GUILT-FREE
If you decide you suddenly want to go all-white, or change your color palette, or for some reason you just look around one day and decide it's time to change EVERYTHING, you can do it without regret. If you don't spend much for your stuff, you can give it away, sell it (probably for MORE than you spent), or repaint it. You probably won't be destroying the value of a priceless antique...but it is wise to look for marks on the underside of your furniture, just in case you decide to paint a Heywood-Wakefield table aqua

Reason #7 - ADVENTURE!
Seriously - you NEVER know what you'll find that will excite you so much you end up redecorating a whole room! And you CAN do it, since you won't pay much for the new-old stuff and you didn't pay much for the old-old stuff! (See #6) 

Word for the Day:
Luke 12:15
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

Possibly Linking With:
Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sundays at Home
Mod Mix Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
Blissfully White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Penny Pinching Party
Drop it or Swap it Party
Under $100 Link Party
Creative Inspirations
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Party Junk
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Great post, Revi! I can relate to so much of what you said. I am one of those people who likes to change things up often, so having spent little of nothing on thrifted items, I don't feel guilty when I redo :)
    Julie @ Renaissance Mermaid

  2. Revi,
    We must be soul sisters :) I love old stuff. For so many of the reasons you just stated. Secretly, I wish it wasn't chic to thrift now days because its harder to find a really good bargain, but I continue. Even though I am trying to "downsize" and get rid of stuff.
    I love reading your blog. You keep it up sister :)
    Clara from Redeemed Junk and Stuff.

  3. I like your REASONS. #5 ... I feel it is important to keep stuff out of the landfills. #7 Adventure ... I love the adventure of the hunt and re-purposing the item to fit my needs.

    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  4. I could not agree more...I love every single reason...but I do agree..the old stuff is real stuff!

  5. Love this! The thrill of the hunt, the bargain, finding something unique with 'personality' instead of cookie-cutter...all these are reasons why I love to thrift! :)

  6. Great post, Revi. I love flea markets and thrift stores for all those reasons. Gorgeous finds!

  7. I loved this list- giving some found object new life is so great and it gives you alittlebit more appreciation for your items! Redemption is the best part being found ! Pat

  8. Wish i could post this at the local landfill! I love the history behind the pieces - just imagining where they have been. Plus they are really cool. However the thrift shops around here are now setting up "antique" corners to sell things at exorbitant prices.

  9. What good points you make! Love the photos too!

  10. Revi,
    You hit the nail on the head with this post girl! I too did not inherit family treasures so I must hunt for them. Oh the thrill of the hunt! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
