
Sunday, March 24, 2013

HOLY WEEK GOALS and Last Week's Accomplishments

Last Week's Goals: 

1. Finish sorting clothing for garage sale and pack away keepers for fall/winter. STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. I really need to pare down my wardrobe...but it's hard. I hold on to basic things that never go out of style. (60 percent of my wardrobe.) I hold on to things I've grown out of, thinking I'll shrink back into them. 
But, I at least need to get rid of stuff I don't feel cute in. That's doable. 

2. Move black table to guest room. NOT DONE. Change of priorities. The Kitchen moved into first priority at Hannah's suggestion.

3. Photograph Dining Room changes. NOT DONE. See above.

4. Try the wheat grass thing again. Soaking now.

5. 5 new Etsy listings. NOT DONE.

6. Finish changing and styling the living room. MOSTLY DONE.

7. Eat low-carb. No cheating. Continue Green Smoothies. Not a bad week. Still loving the green smoothies.

Today was Palm Sunday.
I always love to see the children waving palm branches at worship services. Yesterday it was 70 degrees and clear. Last night, a cold front blew in and we got down to the teens, I think. We had a few snow flurries, and it was cold this morning. I got sort of excited - I got to wear the new jacket my friend Marsha sent me! It's beautiful, and I got so many compliments on it. One friend said, "You look like the queen of Norway!" Ha! 

Marsha has obviously been better about cleaning out her closets than I have been. She'd shrunk out of this lovely jacket, and it still had tags on it! She sweetly packed a box of some lovely things and sent them to me a few weeks back, and we've had warm weather since then. I liked that cold front today, and felt special in my new jacket. When I told my friends how I was blessed, they said, "I didn't know you actually made friends blogging!" I didn't know either. The "human" element of blogging was a wonderful surprise. Marsha has been a MUCH better friend to me than I have to her...She sent me this lovely painting earlier this year, along with some pecans from Alabama! I love pecans...

I finished painting the kitchen today, made a Greek Salad to take to a Passover Seder Dinner tonight. It was my first experience - a Messianic Seder. Julie hosted it at her house. It was so special, and I definitely want to do it again. 

This Week's Goals:
1. Be mindful of HOLY WEEK. 
2. Be thankful for Christ's sacrifice.
3. Be grateful for God's grace.
4. Attend Bible Study on Wednesday.
5. Attend Maundy Thursday Worship.
6. Attend Good Friday Tenebrae Service.
7. Invite Mason and Hannah to Attend Resurrection Sunday Services with me. 

Those are my main goals. In addition to those things, I hope to make some preparations for Hannah's arrival and our family dinner on Sunday - freshening things up and clearing the ETSY items off her bed for starters! If I can get around to it, I might start hanging some decorative items and things I've saved back for a kitchen update. If I don't get around to it, it will save for a couple of weeks. Just having the chartreuse and red gone makes the kitchen feel fresher.

This year, I haven't been as "connected" feeling during Lent. I don't want this week to pass without feeling the gravity of the sacrifice, realizing how amazing God's love and grace is, and appreciating it. 

Lord, please help me think of Jesus, and where he was during the last week of his life here on earth. Help me know how he felt. Help it be as real now as it was then. Help me know how I can show you how thankful I am. 

Word for the Day:
Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and by his wounds we are healed.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have for blogging this week, and I didn't take photos on Saturday like I usually do - for blogging purposes. If I don't post, I'll still check email!
Have a blessed week, sweet friends.


  1. Are the crosses new? They are beautiful as are you in your Winter white. What a joy to have a chance to wear that and feel good in it. I love the look! I also love your attentiveness to Holy Week events and remembrances. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating all that God did for us through his son at Easter.

  2. Wow! You look wonderful in your Nordic Ice Princess Jacket!
    I'm with you, I've made many wonderful friends through are one!:)

    ~ I meant 'ice princess' in the most flattering way. ;) Pat
    ,blessings this Holy Week

  3. Oh my DO look like the Queen of Norway! Your hair, the jacket color, your makeup... I love it! You look like a Snow Queen...make sure you do the 'wave'.
    Marsha has you pegged. :)
    Have a wonderful week, T.

  4. What a sweet post. You look so nice in the jacket. It looks perfect for your hair and coloring. Have a blessed week my friend.
