
Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Random Week...

At the moment, I'm waiting for paint to dry. 
(Does anyone else remember that old commercial of a woman soaking in a luxurious bubble bath, who smilingly says, "I'm cleaning my bathroom bowl!"?)

I just painted a coat of khaki paint, mixed from oops paints, of course, to my kitchen. Here is the view from my dining room door:

I know I've shared with you that my kitchen walls are chartreuse, and there's a door to the garage I painted red...right? This happened about 6 years ago. 

Even back then, it was a very bold move. So bold that I chose to apply a glaze over it to tone it down. 

Back then, Hannah and I BOTH had a "thing" for chartreuse. We were using it in some form in practically every room in the house - dishes in the dining room, accessories, etc. She reminded me over spring break of that phase. That was right after her telling me, "You should paint the kitchen next." 

It was cheerful, and it did relate to the other rooms - red was there, other shades of green...and white glossy woodwork throughout my house. I painted the cabinets oil based gloss white Rustoleum, and distressed them a bit. That was a JOB. I was never so happy to get a room finished in my life.

But, I digress...back to today's random list of "to-do's"

Paint the kitchen walls. Thankfully, there is little wall space in this small, windowless space. It can be done. 

Then the view from my soft greige and white dining room won't be so...unrelated...sort of like this post and all the others I've posted this week!

Other projects for this weekend include tweaking the little bird panel above. It's a treasure from Jack & Greg's, and I think it's so charming! BUT - it bugs me a bit. 

I hate poorly distressed things. This was poorly done - the almost symmetrical scribbles done on this little plaque are so distracting. I plan to touch up and distress a little better.

Another thing that bugs me is that they painted a yellow beak and orange feet on this pure white bird. (And you thought I was going to say the dirt bugged me...didn't you?)

Well the dirt was an easy fix. And I'm on the fence about the crack. Should I repair it or leave it?

This piece is probably NOT least not as old as the style suggests, but it does have SOME age to it. 

It is chippy white wood on the back, and the bird panel is maybe some cement-ish, plaster-ish sort of material. 

It's a bird thing for the wall, and most of my bird things are table or shelf things, so I grabbed it for $3. I'd had my eye on it for weeks, and it waited patiently for me.

Here's the next project for today:

Lamps. I haven't done a good lamp post in a long time! These brassy ones are going to get a new lease on life with chalk paint and faux chalk paint. I know brass is hot now, but this is not where I'm using it. 

And last but not NEW THING. As of about a week and a half ago, I have a new obsession; green monster smoothies. I'd read about them here and there for a year or more. I finally decided to try making them, as a way to ensure more green leafy veggies in my diet. Oh, boy. I LOVE them. 

They are the perfect, most refreshing breakfast ever! Don't be fooled by appearances...this ugly purpl-ish green concoction is tasty. 

Today, I put frozen spinach, frozen mixed rasperries, black berries and blueberries, lemon, orange, and banana together with purified water. It makes a nice, frosty, fruity but not-too-sweet glass of goodness. I drink several per day.

This has cut down my meal sizes, my cravings for sweet things and other potential benefits. I hope it will lead to increased energy and weight loss as well. I'll be sure to keep you posted!

Sometimes, life (or a blog post) seems like a series of unrelated random events. That's only because we're "in it."
Our perspective is too close. Thankfully, the only one who matters sees all, knows all, and has a purpose for all. All random, unrelated, surprising and even disappointing things are in his hand. He has a plan, and it's better than our own.

Word for the Day:
Daniel 1:12
“Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.

Possibly Linking With:


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Thrifty Treasures

Metamorphosis Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Cottage Style

Blissfully White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Centerpiece Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Fabulously Creative Friday
Shabbilicious Friday Link Party

Saturday Nite Special


  1. Wow! have fun painting. I can' wait to see the finish. The bird plaque wall hanging is certainly interesting. I know you'll make this piece shine (well, not shine...) but "shine" in all it's lovely chippy glory.
    The Smoothie sounds interesting. I've been thinking I need to add more green leafy to my diet...I must check into the smoothie.

    have a great Saturday..
    I'm off to see 'The Croods' with my Littles!


  2. Revi,
    Your bird plaque reminds me of one I saw in Haarlem, Holland two weeks ago. It was over an arched doorway on one of the oldest streets along a canal. I'll be sure to share that image when I get around to posting about Holland. The smoothie drink sounds wonderful and very healthy. What a great way to start the day. That's probably when I'd drink one.

  3. You are being so productive while i sit staring out at the chilly rain thinking of the projects I should be doing. Instead I turned on the computer and have been browsing through favorite blogs. Okay, Revi, you have convinced me to get off my behind and do something. That drink looks good. I may have to make one!

  4. i love chartreuse and red together, revi. the bird plaque and lamps will make great projects, too:) but, that drink...i'm not sure i can get past the color-haha:)

  5. Well, your randomness means things are happening there! With the many faceted life you are living, you should feel very accomplished doing such a variety of chores! That little bird was worth the wait. I have no doubt you will doctor it right up in just the right way. Good for you working the healthy drink into your day too. Your diligence is paying off in so many areas!
