
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Different Random Stuff, Mantel Tweaks and Thrift Store Finds

I always tweak my mantels. Several times. 
Here is the tweaked Spring Mantel...

Don't you think the little porcelain doll head works better below the chalk board?

Here's how my wheat grass looked this morning...

Not exactly lush...
but I have more wheat berries, so I'll try again.

A new vignette on the table in front of the window...
Ivory plastic dominoes, scrabble pieces and old dice - some made of bone. 

Everything except the dice and the ivy is thrifted. The dice are family pieces.

An interesting white matte vase. It's vintage. Dirty - as it was in the thrift store. It's not perfect, either. 

But it was cheap - .87c. For that price, it will look good with my other thrifted mod vintage white vases...

A beige hard back book. I may never read it, but it will look great on a table somewhere!

It is leaning against a small industrial metal box. It's painted taupe. It was also a cheapie - another .87c find. I will try stripping it down to bare metal. I love the look of the bare metal boxes.

This mini Adirondack Chair is a new listing for my Etsy store. 

Last but not least, a small vintage pink bud vase. This will be grouped with other pink vases to sell on Etsy as well.

Word for the Day:
Leviticus 19:19
“You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.

Possibly Linking With:


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Thrifty Treasures

Metamorphosis Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Cottage Style

Blissfully White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Centerpiece Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Fabulously Creative Friday
Shabbilicious Friday Link Party

Saturday Nite Special


  1. I'm next to you at Timewashed. I love your mantel and your thrifted finds. I was wondering, how do you strip the paint off of the metal box?

  2. Your mantel is gorgeous! Has your tweaker been satisfied?
    I looked at the book and thought that it sounded familiar. I think I saw the mini series and I bet we had the book, too. My mom read historical novels like mad. Good find!
    The tray of dice is too cool-you have definitely tweaked 'til you can't tweak no more. ;)

  3. So you thrifted and you tweaked this week? Love the new look. Envying this game pieces and the odd vase.

  4. I am a tweaker too, it happens every day ..tweak here and there..Love your mantle and it is the perfect time of year for that springy look

  5. So fresh and modern, your mantel really is lovely; I rarely change mine with the exception of a few added antiques, and Christmas.

  6. Yeah, I'm interested to see how you strip the box too. I started in on trying to take some things down to metal with a sander and it works but it's messy of course and I have two huge cabinets to do. I really should pull those out of the garage and get started before it's sweltering here. Let me know if you have any good tips. Love those dice and your new mantel tweaks. As I am fond of saying, "Tweaking is fundamental".

  7. Love the table in front of the window, what a fabulous vignette. I'll have to copy that one!
    Yes, the head is best on the mantle.
    Hugs and happy weekend!

  8. I think the head looks better under the chalkboard. You make me want to go thrift shopping! Thank you for linking this up with Rustic Restorations Weekend!
