
Monday, March 18, 2013

Goals, Accomplishments, Adult Children and Random Stuff

Blogging took a back seat to parenting adult children since last Thursday. I spent time with my three kids.

I truly enjoy my children, and continue to marvel at them. 
I remember watching each as infants, as though they were the most interesting thing in the world. 

To me, they are still as interesting as they were back then - even as twenty-somethings. I still find myself wondering, "How did you learn that?" 

I still love just looking at them. I still laugh at funny things they say - maybe even more now. 

We have history. We have running jokes. We are eternally glued together by love and common experiences. 

Now, I learn something new about these amazing creatures whenever I spend time with them. 

I still think they are the cutest, most intelligent, most clever, witty people I know. 

I am SO glad God picked me to be their mom.

Last Week's Goals:
1. Continue sorting clothing for garage sale and pack away keepers for fall/winter. - Work in Progress
2. Move table to guest room. - Change of plans. 
3. Photograph Dining Room changes. On hold - Hannah came home for a couple of days unexpectedly!
4. Re-pot ivy, pot succulents. DONE. Look on Pinterest for ideas. DONE.
5. 5 new Etsy listings. NOT DONE. However, some of the "pre listing" work is done - photos and other things.
6. Finish changing and styling the living room. Work in Progress - Hannah came home!
7. Eat low-carb. No cheating. Not terrible, but again, HANNAH CAME HOME. She always wants Pasta with Alfredo and some sort of sweet treat. On the bright side, I've been having GREEN MONSTER smoothies and cold soups. I did lots of prep work for those, and made them for breakfast this weekend. Hannah liked them a lot! Also, our sweet treat was Ambrosia instead of chocolate cake. 

There is no Christmas stuff lurking inside anymore! The garage is to capacity again, though.

Note to self: Consider scheduling guests to stay at my house once per month. This is the best way to ramp up and get something done! 

I purchased the little numbers above at Hobby Lobby - with a 40 percent off coupon, of course. I'm not sure what I might use them on yet, but I love them. 

The lush wheat grass thing didn't really turn out all that well. 
I'm not sure what I didn't do right. I'm going to give it another shot, and then I might purchase rye grass seed instead of wheat berries.

This Week's Goals: (Funny, they look a lot like last week's goals.)

1. Finish sorting clothing for garage sale and pack away keepers for fall/winter. 
2. Move black table to guest room. 
3. Photograph Dining Room changes. 
4. Try the wheat grass thing again. 
5. 5 new Etsy listings. 
6. Finish changing and styling the living room. 
7. Eat low-carb. No cheating. Continue Green Smoothies.

Word for the Day:
Psalm 127:4-5a
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them...


  1. I feel the same way about my daughter! So blessed God chose us to be her parents!


  2. beautiful post. love the tags with numbers. what about the wheat berries experiment? I use wheat berries a lot. Maybe I can help...maybe :)

  3. I just got back from Texas seeing my 22 year old daughter. :( I miss her terribly. Love seeing your goals. I'm terrible with goals. I always set a goal to start setting goals, and then blow it. Good to see you. Take care.

  4. They are something else, those kids. Glad you had such a nice time with yours this weekend. Those little number plates are really cute. I've seen people break up those packages and sell the individually or by twos on Etsy.

  5. So glad you had a surprise visit. How you managed to skip chocolate cake and mexican food is beyond me.
    Does Hannah have no control over you?
    I'm going to call her and demand that she do a daughter's duty and push cake on her Mama. ;)
