
Thursday, March 28, 2013

87c Treasures on Monday

Do you have one of these? I thought I needed one - for .87c at the thrift store on Monday.

Don't you want one, too? Sorry, it was the only one. I've seen them below rocks and shells and objects that look good lit from below. Now, to find something to PUT on it...
That's another trip!

How about this treasure...cute, huh? An industrial apple. 

No self-respecting, industrial-elegant-cottage-style dining room would be complete without one. 

It had funny green plastic leaves wired to it - probably by the former owner. I prefer my industrial apples plain, so I removed them.

This treasure basket will be given a new lease on life - with paint of course. Maybe it will happen tonight!

This pretty vase is perfect just as she is; no paint needed. No tweaking for this lovely periwinkle blue girl. (I say girl, only because of the ruffles.)

You just gotta love a good ruffle. And a wire apple. And a lighted base for some future objet d'art. All for only .87c each.

Word for the Day:
Genesis 43:23
He replied, “Peace to you, do not be afraid. Your God and the God of your father has put treasure in your sacks for you. I received your money.” Then he brought Simeon out to them.

Note about today's scripture:  I usually type in a key word to find a fitting scripture for the day. Today, I typed in "treasure." If you've ever used, you know that one word can bring up hundreds of scriptures. I used the first on the list, because it was fitting, and because half a dozen below the first one called US God's treasured possession. Which I KNOW is true, otherwise we would NOT be celebrating the most Holy day of all on Sunday. 
How about THEM apples? Cool, huh? We are his most treasured possessions. 

Possibly Linking With:


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Thrifty Treasures

Metamorphosis Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Cottage Style

Blissfully White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Centerpiece Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Fabulously Creative Friday
Shabbilicious Friday Link Party

Saturday Nite Special


  1. I don't have one of those light thingamajigs, but I want one. You must have something cool to put on it! You are the 87 cent wonder.
    Happy Easter!
    xo, Tina

  2. Cool finds! Love those ripples yes and that sweet basket too!
    Happy Easter!

  3. I bought a green wire apple with metal leaves at a thrift shop a few weeks ago. I am going to put a ball of string or twine inside, after I paint the apple.

  4. Great treasures! I'm anxious to see something on the light thingy! Sally

  5. I can't wait to see what you find for that light base. The apple is way cool - especially for 87c!

  6. Great treasures! Including you, one of God's greatest treasures!

    I just got a basket like that yesterday but it has a strap and it hangs. I will wait to see yours painted. I kind of wanted to try it but wasn't sure I'd like it. You go first! :)


  7. Great buys! Thank you for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!
