
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Busted Bust

A little lesson about loss and opportunity...or Attitude is ALMOST Everything!

Last year I posted about Finding Perfect Treasures.
I had found this little French Bust at a garage sale for a buck.

A couple of weeks ago, I bumped it and sent it crashing to the floor, in pieces.

Here's just another shining example.

I was irritated, needless to say. It had only cost a buck,
but I would probably have paid THREE or more.

But...I found it amazing that even though the bust
was in 5 pieces, the head was intact.

And the little guy was staring at me as if to ask. "WHY???"

So I started puzzling out the pieces as if I might be able to glue him back together.

I don't much like things that have been glued back together, though.
It's almost as if you are ignoring the tragedy as if it never happened.

What I DO find intriguing, though, is the creative re-purposing broken or
obsolete items into a new creation with a new function - a new life!

I will keep the little head until I find a new way to use it.
I can see it peeking out of a sweet potato vine in the garden, or
combined with other disconnected elements to form a
whole new person. The tragedy that could have
ended everything has necessitated a new direction.

The mess has become the message.
The new creation is evidence that there is
another way, and that the other way can be a good one.

If you don't lose your head during the process.

Word for the Day:

1 Peter 2:21

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you,
leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

Possibly Linking With

Wednesday Share the Love Wednesday White Wednesday Penny Pinching Party What’s it Wednesday Would You Buy It Wednesday Show Me What Ya Got

Thursday Under $100 Link Party Suzy's House Party Thrifty Thursday Thursday Favorite Things Time Travel Thursday Treasure Hunt Thursday thrift’n on a thursday Home and Garden Thursday Share Your Cup Thursday Live Laugh Linky

Friday Feathered Nest Friday Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday Inspiration Friday Flaunt it Friday Free For All Friday Spread the Love

Saturday Saturday Nite Special Get Schooled Saturday


  1. I think you're right! It has another purpose you didn't intend. It reminds me more now of a true work of art, like the Venus de Milo. Were you doing anything special with it before? Looks like it got your attention so it will be able to become something even greater.

    Thanks for all your color hints over at my place. I wish I had the daring to try those things on a wall because my walls are very textured in places. I have also wanted in the past to try doing some things with adding texture but once I paint, I don't want to take any chances and have to redo. The wash and layered ideas are a great way to go. One of these days... maybe you could do them on your wall and show me first...hee, hee...

  2. Love this post.
    Very appropriate for where I am in my life right now.
    You are so wise, my friend. :)

  3. I like the idea of the little sweet face peeking out of the sweet potato vine. I'm sorry that the bust was broken, but I think that it is making you even more creative.

  4. That beautiful face remains intact. I'm sure you will find a purpose for it.

  5. Now this little face just happens to be in the perfect hands to be recreated. Me I have broken body parts and trinkets in flower pots all over the place not quite art but not yet trash. I know how wonderful you can make this broken bust a real work of art. Can't wait to see it.

  6. I think your little French bust was meant for greater things...Can't wait to see what you come up with! :-)

  7. As a matter of comfort - this little bust (there is a boy & girl) are fairly common - so might not be that hard to find another... Glad you're keeping your 'head on straight' over this misfortune :)

  8. Perhaps the lesson is "change"? That is always constant. I know you'll come up with something great with it.


  9. keep the head!! we've had our body-less buddy longer than our children and it has been a joy to see his smiling face atop a pile of books or beside an overgrown plant.

    can't wait to see where he turns up!

  10. I have an idea.. but i don't know if it is a very good one. You could glue him back together, then put a faux patina on him and add some vine around the neck and place in a garden room. Or something to that effect? I don't know, just a thought.
    I am sure you have a better idea!

  11. Hi Revi, little guy does look like he's asking you to not toss him aside. Just an idea that popped into my head. I think he might be cute if you glued him back together and then modpoded music paper or frech script onto him. That would conceal the broken peices glued back and it might be cute. What ever you do I'm sure it will be fun. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  12. I have broken so many things..this week! I really needed to read this right now! Delightsome post! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  13. It's a great find. Glad the head survived! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
