
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What 8.74 Will Get You...THE NEW LIFE

Monday at my favorite thrift store...everything on a hanger is half-price!
I like going then, not only for clothes shopping, 
but because other people aren't looking for household items. 

Like this great flower basket for $1.91.

Or this little bowl from England with the pierced edge...

It's made by Woods of Windsor.

A steal for .27c. Seriously!!!!!

I Googled them and they make fine bath products.
This may have held a candle or something.

This old sugar canister has been painted.

Should I strip it? It might be cool. 

It's made of thin tin, but has no dents.

I don't think it was used much - it is pristine.
And guess how much it cost?

Call me strange, but I always look at the bags of hardware.
That's where I find house numbers.

This bag was .57c, and I thought the dark switch plate was metal.
But it is plastic. Oh, well. There's a metal piece I'll use in artwork...

I really like this little lidded ceramic box for my bathroom.

Guess how much? .87c!  

That just so happens to be the price of this!

And this...

I sort of like the back even better!

And this one, too!  Oops - forgot to take a photo of the front! 

87 may be my new favorite number...
Though this burlap-ish frame was even cheaper!

All in all, a successful trip. 
I have one last .87c thing to show you.
I thought it was cute, and it's functional. 
And it's .87c, so I put it in the cart.

But as I was photographing it, I noticed 
something that made me laugh out loud.

I think this cute little American-looking butter dish
is made in China. The wording is much like what you
find on a package of disposable chopsticks!

I can just imagine..."I speak English, I can do this!"
It's still functional, and FUNNY-ctional. 
I'm SO gonna use it!


Sorta catchy, don't you think?
A nice thought while you butter morning toast.

I like it. 
And .87c is a great deal,
but I know where you can find a new life for free...

Word for the Day:

Romans 6:4
We were therefore buried with him 
through baptism into death 
in order that, just as 
Christ was raised from the dead 
through the glory of the Father, 
we too may live a new life.

His mercies are new every morning!
May we all appreciate that grace.
Linking With


Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Wow, I can not believe the bargains you found. I never find things with those great prices. I think the sugar tin might be fun if you just sanded it a bit and see what happens if you take some of paint off. If you don't like it, easy enough to repaint. Good thrifting girl!

  2. Hey I never get such good deals. Those are some great picks from beginning to end I think you bought some really good stuff. I first thought the flower basket was my favorite then maybe that white porcelain dish with lid then I saw that rustic frame. I just like it all.

  3. My goodness - I need to thrift where you do! The thrift stores around here seem to be awfully proud of their items and rarely do I run across anything for a great price like your finds. I especially love the basket!

  4. Fun finds!Love that butter dish.

  5. i LOVE the butter dish, esp, revi! you found some great buys this time!

  6. the butter dish and canister~

  7. The butter dish totally made me're so right! :) I also loved the planter (what a steal) and the painted sugar tin. I would be torn about whether or not to try to strip the's kind of cute as-is!

  8. What incredible bargains! I think my favorite is the basket at the beginning of the post. I think you should stencil and number on it!


  9. Calling by as another participant in Share your Cup Thursday, some great vintage finds.

  10. Wow so many wonderful goodies. Love the dish from England, oh heck, I love it all. Score!Hugs and thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  11. Love that butter dish!! It "speaks" to me too. Wonder why?

  12. Absolutely amazing finds! My favorite is the butter dish! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
