
Monday, April 16, 2012

Industrial-Elegant Vignette

Here's another peek at my living room-in-progress - 
a little vignette of Industrial-Elegant-Cottage style.

This is area just to the right of the front door as you walk inside. 

The "mail drop" is located here. 

I collect the mail in a primitive tray.

This is the reason my front door looks like this:

and my front window has a cracked pane.

The evil post man is going to invade our home!
Or so this girl thinks...

Now I ask you, does this look like the face
of a sofa-eater? Sweet and innocent, she is.

Anyway, I am going for a very eclectic feel.
I want elegance, industrial and cottage
all mixed together without looking insane!


A French-style mirror, painted whiteish.

A couple of gilded mirrors.

A bronze metal medallion 
mounted on wood, painted gray 
and hung inside an empty gilded frame.

A lovely French lady in a fancy gilded frame...


A very chippy off-white frame, with the wire still attached.
Vintage books, a gilded bird nest and twig...

A vintage English chest of drawers
with bronze knobs...I painted it flat white...

and a white primitive tray.


A vintage metal file cabinet...

A vintage metal house number...

...and a bronze candlestick.
An unlikely grouping of items
all put together to achieve 
an interesting and cohesive mix.

Inch by inch progress. Thanks for 
being here to celebrate each inch with me!

Word of the Day:

Philippians 1:24-26
New King James Version (NKJV)

24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh 
is more needful for you.
25 And being confident of this, 
I know that I shall remain and 
continue with you all 
for your progress and joy of faith, 
26 that your rejoicing for me 
may be more abundant in Jesus Christ 
by my coming to you again.

Linking With


Metamorphosis Monday
Motivate Me Monday 
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Manic Monday
Just a party with my peeps!

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. It is coming together so beautifully, Revi. I love your mail drop! Boy, oh boy, your pooch sure is "distressing" your front door - we like distressed, right?!!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  2. You have done a great job! I love the mixed media feel, but all in the same colour- great collage

  3. Well I think you've pulled off the eclectic feel Revi!! Looks fantastic!!

  4. Your living room vignette is so pretty! I love the look. I love the mixture of sizes, shapes, and textures. Well-done, my friend!!!


    PS The mail slot is unusual, right? Aren't they usually in doors?

  5. Tamala! ANother great look. I adore how the candlestick is framed by the frame. It makes it look so important and draws you eye to the dark color. Everything loves fabulous!

  6. Oh, everything is coming together and it looks great! Thanks for sharing your work in progress. It's been fun to see you gather everything together and then see what you did to make it look so nice!

  7. You have been very busy. You know what I see first and just love, that vintage house number it just draws my eye right in for more eye candy. All the texture is just fab. The bird nest is like something I could not pass up. Great job.

  8. I love your style. The industrial accents keep it from being too "sweet" and it all works so well together. Poor puppy...mail carriers can be so scary! ;)

  9. it all looks so beautiful together! i love the mix you have going on.

  10. I love how you've mixed in some industrial type pieces with your cottage decor. The file drawers is perfect!
    Mary Alice

  11. this grouping is awesome! love the mix of frames and the file drawers, revi!

  12. Very the grouping, Revi! I like eclectic, it works! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy the weekend,

  13. That is so lovely and charming, I love it! I would love for you to share this on "Pin It & Win It Wednesday @!

  14. Lovely mixture :)
    Visiting from Sat Nite Special

    Greetings from Australia♥

  15. What a beautiful mix of pieces! It's really lovely!
