
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Revised Corner Shelf...

She is charming, isn't she? 
And did you notice her curves?

Well, a few weeks ago, she lacked a bit of her current charm. 
She had been broken and discarded. She was hiding.
I saw her in a corner of a thrift store amid a stack of baskets.

Then when I read her price, I grabbed her quickly.
She was under $3. 

I guess I got too excited to notice her flaw.

One of her curvy points was broken off. 
I confess was a bit bummed.
But, I figured she might be fixable. 

Now, I have to say I have a fear of saws. 
I really admire those of you who saw 
things without a second thought.
I just lack the experience and knowledge of 
how to work with electric saws, so I 
steer clear of them.

So how did I fix her?
With a pocket knife from the dollar store.

It was one my dad had given my son years ago. 
Since it was a cheapie, it ended up in my tool box.

Fixing her was easier than I expected. 
I just notched the wood and then broke it off.
A little sanding, and we were good to go!

Next, I treated her to a coat of white paint...

...and a tiny bit of sanding, which distressed her a bit...

...and you'd never know she once was broken.
She looks so sweet - good as new! Whole.

I have no idea where she'll end up, but she's 
currently on my living room's new greige wall.
She won't stay there, though. 

Today, I am working in my living room again.

I'm almost finished - 3 walls are completed.
Now, I just have to work on this:

I have to take out two of these and patch 
the holes. The view out these windows is the
 back side of the garage drywall. 

Notice the lovely light fixtures above them, too. 
Bathroom lights. Ugh. 
Here was my solution to "hide" things 
for the past few years...

Cornice boards and curtains

It worked fine for a while, but 
now, it's time to do it right!

Word for the Day:

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and 
saves those who are crushed in spirit. 

You are worth saving. I don't know who that is intended for, but I just know I had to write it at this moment for you. You are worth saving. Your Father loves you. He desires for you to love Him back. He desires a relationship with you. He loves you more than you will ever know. 

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Just something I whipped up
Creative Me Link Up

Metamorphosis Monday
Making the World Cuter Monday
Motivate Me Monday 
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Revival Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Revi,
    your little shelf is adorable, you did a great job bringing "her" back to life! Sounds like you are coming along on your room! Can't wait to see the finished room!

  2. Gorgeous little shelf - what a great find !

  3. Cute corner shelf, Tamala. I'm the queen of hiding things, so your temporary solution made me smile. Looking forward to seeing how everything turns out.

  4. I love your little shelf. Had you not said anything about the "little" flaw, I would never have known there was one. You did a great repair job. I can't wait to see your living room completed.
    Keep up the good work !!!!!

    PS I lived in Amarillo for five years and met some of the most wonderful people there. I worked at High Plains Baptist Hopspital and my husband worked at St. Anthony's Hospital.

  5. I love your little corner cabinet. I like corner cabinets, they fit my home so well. I never would of notice the "little" flaw. Look forward to see your completed living room. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best!

  6. I have a couple of shelves like yours, one has been brought back to life and the other still waiting. Your shelf looks great and I am sure you will find the perfect place to use it.

  7. Great shelf, Revi! I can't believe you got it for $3.00! I passed a similar one up a few weeks ago for about $15.00 and I bought a different shelf piece for my bathroom. I was thinking about it, but when I went back it was gone! Oh well, lesson learned.
