
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thrifty Finds and Random Questions for Blog Friends...

I visited my favorite little thrift store on Valentine's Day. What do you think that says about me? Never mind, I don't want to know! I like it because it's nearby, it's smallish, it's open until 8 p.m. and it's cheaper than some of the others I go to. On the down side, they don't have furniture, just small items and clothing. 

I found the 1975 FTD milk glass footed vase there for 87c. They like sevens in their prices. I like sevens, too. Seven is God's number for fullness, completion and perfection - all good things!

Though I didn't find a seven the other night, I did find a four. It was 17c.

I bought this apple sign for 87c. I'm sort of plain and simple usually, and "cute" is one of the things I like for other people's homes. But, this one has a dark gray and beige scheme going - I may paint the wooden edge some shade of white and call it good. It's about as high as my cute-o-meter will  register.

I think it will look good over a doorway in my kitchen, when I neutralize the now chartreuse walls to light gray or beige. Yes, you read correctly - it is now chartreuse with bits of red and dark blue. I've told you before that I like color. I really need two houses, but I don't want to clean all those toilets!

I also found a pretty antique silver tabletop frame for 87c. It will probably go in my living room.

And for 57c, there was one of these little oval wall frames. I see these from time to time - they're some sort of old plastic. I usually spray paint them. I like to use different shapes of frames in my gallery wall arrangements, so I get them if they're cheap.

Don't even ask what I plan to do with these, because I'm not sure myself! They're brass, and they could be used as spacers in reworked lamps or candlesticks or whatever. They probably will not be used as napkin rings, however. They were also 87c.

I also found two cute little light gray saucers for 27c.each - they're stamped "Nancy Calhoun" on the back. I Googled them and saw similar saucers for 6.99 on

I'll probably use them under little tabletop plants. I like little tiny plants in tabletop vignettes. 

I found another orphan to live in my white hutch! It's a cute little gravy boat with no mark. Can you guess how much it cost?

I got pretty excited when I saw this:

I've been checking for marks on white dishes in thrift stores. There doesn't appear to be any ironstone in Amarillo, Texas. When I saw this mark, I got kind of excited! Then, I was a bit deflated when I red the rest of the stamp...

Does Japanese Ironstone count? I bought them anyway - they were a cute shape and I got a bundle of 5 saucers and two bread plates for $1.91. I seven in that price!

If I ever find a cheap piece of American or English Ironstone, you'll be the first to know! 

When I first started blogging (today is my 6 month anniversary!), I read about white ironstone everywhere! I posted about my white hutch and got comments about my ironstone. So, I asked another blogger with whom I felt safe enough to admit my ignorance - Rosemary at Villa Barnes. She sweetly told me, without making me feel dumb, that ironstone meant there was iron in the clay used in making the dishes. 

Since I've been around for a whole 6 months now, and have made some very sweet relationships with a number of you, I feel like I can ask some very random questions and learn from your expertise. Some of them are blog-related, and others are not. I REALLY DO want to hear your responses! I am thankful that I've met you (at least virtually), and I admire your knowledge, your style, your faith, and so many other things about you! You inspire me, encourage me, and make me feel connected in ways I never expected. 

1. What do listen to when you work out? I want to work out to high energy music, but I only listen to Christian music. I'm trying to find more high-energy upbeat songs that make me want to move! Can you tell me some of your favorites? I'd like to find more things like "Here in This Moment" by Bekah Shae - 

2. I am not sure what has happened in my comments - I used to get all of them in my gmail. Now, I only get some of them to my gmail account, not all. I have to go to comments on my blog page to see all of them.

3. One more blog question - it may have happened about the same time. My mom and another friend who used to get my posts via email no longer get them. Do you know what I need to check to make sure they are still able to get them?

Thanks so much - for EVERYTHING!


Word for the Day:

2 Corinthians 7:4

I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.

Wishing you all the encouragement you need today!

Possibly Linking with:

Sunday Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Monday Metamorphosis Monday Making the World Cuter Monday Motivate Me Monday Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Wednesday - What’s it Wednesday – Would You Buy It Wednesday
Thursday Under $100 Link Party Suzy's House Party Transformation Thursday Share Awesomeness Thursday Thrifty Thursday - Thursday Favorite Things thrift’n on a thursday
Friday Furniture Feature Friday Fridays on Remodelaholic Friday Redoux Link Party Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Saturday Nite Special Show and Tell Saturday 


  1. First of all, congrats on your anniversary! Thanks for the mention as well. As far as music goes, have you tried upbeat music minus the lyrics? Your comments may have to be reset. I've noticed that some of my comments go into spam, even when they are not. Not sure about the email thing. Sometimes an issue isn't on your end, but that may need to be reset too.

  2. Sorry Revi, I don't know the answer to your questions:) I just listen to my current fave music when I'm walking, usually some older stuff with lots of guitar!!

  3. 'I bought them anyway - they were a cute shape and I got a bundle of 5 saucers and two bread plates for $1.91. I seven in that price!'

    ok, 9-1-1=7 There is a 7 you just have to do some math to find it?

    Great finds!

  4. Congrats on the milestone.
    #1 My work out is the power walk as I try to get the good deals before any one else in my head I guess I hear Rocky! LOL
    #2 I pray a lot over my computer and ask a lot questions on Google.
    #3 same as above.
    I hope this helps, I really do!

  5. I listen to the hip hop/dance channel onpandora radio, a free live streaming radio with thousands of genres. If you work out near your computer and you have decent speakers you could try that. Just type in the name of the artist you mentioned and it will play music by that artists and other similar songs. It saves this station for you so each time you go to your pandora icon it pulls up all your faves. I'm sure there are other similar programs but I love the songs pandora picks out. I have like 30's...bluegrass gospel banjo...!

    As for the comments going to email...I'm having the same exact problem. It even started sending a bunch to spam! I'm interested to know why. Seemed to happen when that "capcha" thing changed...

    which by the way, you should turn yours off. You'll get more comments. Go to dashbord-settings-comments and check "no"


  6. First, I really needed that scripture today ~ thank you!

    I wish I knew the answers to your questions but I'm not a "techie" at all. You might need to re-do your comments and see if that helps. Do you clean your cache and files regularly? That's about it for my knowledge. The music? The church I used to go to had some outstanding upbeat music the group put on CD's. Loaned mine to a friend and have never gotten them back. :-(

    Happy Anniversary to you too! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


  7. Hi Revi-- lots of cute and great deals.

    Check your spam folder. I don't have a subscribe (email post) so I can't say on that really.

    and lastly...WORK OUT?! what's that?

    I liked the song you posted I went and listened to's upbeat.
    maybe they have more with a quick tempo-- and Christian too.
    Congrats on your anniversary and it's nice getting to know you too!
    take care- Pat

  8. Sorry can't help with the questions! I just go to 'help' and try to find an answer there! I like your thrifty too! Who knew...7 in the price!!
    Oh you can turn off the verification ...many won't comment if it is on!!!

  9. I'm not very good with the computer/blog questions. I live by trial and error....sorry.
    I walk about 2 miles a day at a local park. The first lap is for God. I don't listen to anything. I pray while I walk and I look for the different things of nature He will show me that morning. If I was listening to something else-music, for example, I'd miss all the squirrels chattering or the little birds making their little noises. Then, after the first lap, (here's the wierd part), I usually listen to a movie on my iphone...(even wierder)the same move....and it's a Christmas movie. Can't believe I shared all that.

  10. You guys ROCK! I appreciate everyone taking time to comment - thanks for your encouragement and tips! :)

  11. hi revi,
    i wish i could find great values like these--indianapolis junk stores are so high in their prices!

    i love taylor swift right now, but as for the email problems, i'm not knowing answers, sorry:(

  12. I'm all over the place with music on my ipod. From 50's right up to hits from today.
    I agree with Rosemary that you might need to reset your comments. Also, it's always helpful to turn off your comment moderation. The letters are much more difficult to read now and just too time consuming to try to get right. Hope this helps.

  13. I like to listen to music from the 1970's...and since I have a 13 year old daughter I also listen to Justin Bieber:) I haven't had any trouble with my comments so can't help you there.

    I just did a post about 25 random things about me. I think it would be so interesting to learn more about other bloggers. I hope other people will do posts like that too. Everyone has a different level of sharing--I am an open book!

  14. When I work out I don't listen to anything, concentrate on what I'm doing, one time I was thrown from my treadmill cause I was day dreaming - that hurt. I didn't know Ironstone got it's name because Iron was added to the clay, so i learned something from you. I'm not on blogger so can't help! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best!

  15. Love my thrift-store-around-the-corner, too. Milk glass is a fave of mine. In fact, I did my White Wednesday post on just that.

  16. Hi lovely lady.
    Sorry can't help with the questions! I just go to 'help' and try to find an answer there! I also love going to thrifty shops like you. Im your newest follower on your blog now. I hope you get the answers you are looking for to help you. so sorry I can not help you. I do hope you have a wonderful week with your family this week.
    XXOO Diane

  17. WOW! You've done wonderfully!! We'd love for you to share your thrift store finds on our website for our Fridays Finds linky party!!!!


  18. Thanks for sharing your post. I love thrifting and junking. Great finds! Just recently saw 2 of thos white FTD pedastal vases. Are they collectible? Worth going back for at $2 each?

  19. ooh, I just found your blog and am so excited. I love ironstone, decorating... thrifting and it is nice to find a believer as well. I am your new follower!!!

    I look forward to getting to know you.

