
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thrifty Life Thursday #35 with Features from Last Week - and A Week Without Thrifting...

Yes, I may be going through slight withdrawal...

Not a single thrift store, garage sale or flea market in two weeks...unless you count a Sunday afternoon at Canton Trade Days...but that was ALMOST two weeks ago...

I had to dig through my Picasa web albums to find a few things I had not shown you yet...things that felt a bit "autumnal."

The obelisk in the top photo above will be painted or gilded and I plan to keep it.

The wood thing below it will be painted as has a "bowl" in it. I'm not sure if it is a candle holder or something else...what do you think? Here's a photo of the "bowl."

It is a little dirty, and needs painting. There's no evidence of wax from a I don't know what it might be, but the shape is pretty cool.  

I think the "container" below could actually be a ceramic finial that broke apart...a mistake.

That's a pretty huge lid for a small But then again, it could just be a design that tried something new. Part is glazed, part is rough. I like it, whatever it is, and it was cheap.


The goblets below will be listed on Etsy, if I ever get around to LISTING on Etsy. I have three categories of things waiting for me - things that need to be listed, things that need to be photographed then listed, and things that need to be painted, then photographed, then listed.

The vintage book below is one I found in Oklahoma City in July...

I seriously do NOT need to go to a thrift store any time soon. I need to get caught up on the stuff in my various "to do" stacks...

SO, I'll plan to live vicariously through you and your wonderful finds. Deal?

On that note, take a look at features from last week:

Celia from My Thrift Store Addiction is back with another feature! Look at her beautiful autumn harvest mantel...using natural items (from the grocery store, even!) and white vessels...lovely.

Kim from Snug Harbor Bay shared a post that is both practical and attractive; how to refurbish cutting boards purchased at garage sales. I have bought several myself, and at first, I had qualms...but read this and know it works. Cutting boards are a "fashion" item these days...

This Week's Vintage Finds #45
Diana from Adirondack Girl @ Heart shared a ton of vintage finds, but it was easy to pick the photo to show you...I have a very similar bottle to this one, only mine said "Tabasco." The label came off mine years ago, but the rope is still attached. Hers is in much better condition...


Gathering Guidelines:

This is a gathering for people who enjoy hunting for treasures 
that may have previous experience or lived a former life elsewhere. 

Please share items that are second-hand or are composed of second-hand materials.

Types of Posts to Share:
    • Home decor, furniture, collectibles, garden items and even wearables are welcome, as long as they have a second-hand element.
    • Please, no food items, new pieces from "real" stores, or crafts, unless made with upcycled, thrifty finds.
    • Hand-me-downs and curbside finds are welcome, as are items found in thrift stores, garage sales, antique shops, flea markets and other interesting places.
    • Treasures may be listed as you found them, or with your updates, tweaks, and re-purposes; befores and afters are both welcome.
    • Items need not be "vintage" but must be pre-owned or second hand.
    • Posts including Etsy and other shop links are welcome! For visitor enjoyment, please link to your blog post, not directly to your Etsy shop. 
      • Though it is not a requirement, it would be lovely if you would follow Revisionary Life  via Blogger, Bloglovin' or subscribe via email. Links are located in my sidebar to the right.
      • Please link your post (not your blog address) back to Revisionary Life.             
      • Please visit at least one other party friend.
      • I'd love for you to comment and introduce yourself if we've never met before. :) Otherwise, don't feel obligated to leave a comment. 
      • Featured items must meet the criteria above. 
      • Only posts that link back may be featured.
      • I will try to leave a comment or email you and let you know if you were featured!

      Word for the Day:
      Hebrews 10:24-25
       And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 
      25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, 
      but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see 
      the Day drawing near.

      Sharing with Ivy and Elephants -


      1. Revi, I can so relate to your post! I have been known to suffer from thrifting withdrawls and I too, have an Etsy "needs to be listed" pile! Thanks so much for featuring my mantel! Blessings, Cecilia

      2. Your finds are great! Even if you didn't FIND anything in the last couple of weeks.

        That piece with the "bowl" looks a lot like the candleholders we had back in the late 60's/early 70's. I think that is what it might be...and of COURSE we never burned candles in them. lol

        I would keep the obelisk, too! xo Diana

      3. Thanks for the feature on my cutting board - I looked for more boards last weekend and none were to be found. :-(

      4. I've gotten very picky when I'm thrifting, but I still love to go on the hunt! Thanks for hosting!

      5. Revi, I kinda hate to admit it but I don't think I could go 2 weeks without going to a thrift or a garage sale. I must have it really bad! LOL!

        Thanks for the party!

      6. Revi, well, what can I say? It's like the end of summer and things are drying up. I'm sure your thrift harvest is just around the corner. :)

        Now that my basement is organized, I was able to get a table together with my latest (celadon) dishes scored at auction. Oh, how I love me some organization to the mess!

        Thanks for hosting.

      7. Revi! Are we the same person?? I've not been thrifting in 2 weeks and don't need to go... so many projects needed to be done. And the Etsy thing... I told myself I would take photos today because it's the last sunny day for a week and list tomorrow. I hope I keep my promise to myself HA! My etsy shop is so neglected. But listing is a 2 day affair really. It is a job.
        Love your cool "old" finds :)
        Thanks for hosting the party. Have an awesome day friend!

      8. Thank you for the party !

        Greetings from Gernany


      9. I am supposed to list all those items stuffed in boxes under the bed!?! That's a novel idea. thanks for hosting.

      10. I think a few weeks away from thrifting would do us all a lot of good, but where's the fun in that?! hehe

        Thanks for hosting again, Revi, and I hope you get your thrifting fix this weekend!


      11. Thanks so much for the feature, Revi, and for sponsoring a great party! I love wooden shapes and other kinds of doo-dads. That obelisk is awesome--

      12. hi Revi ... Looks like you have a great party going on. Maybe I need to come to the party too. Love your wooden pieces. I believe your turned piece with the "bowl" on the top is a candle holder. Good to take a break from thrifting. I need to do that more often.
        Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

      13. You do have some nice "autumnal" things! I haven't been to an antique store in a few weeks either. Time to change that! LOL.

      14. Thank you Revi,
        You are the queen of finds, so loving all you create over here as well.
        I want to thank you for adding your beautiful comment to my post, you are a joy to see that you have visited.
        See you soon dear.

        Blessings to you and yours. A beautiful September to you and all it inspires from you.


      15. Revi,
        What a beautiful book! Yes, I'm judging a book by its cover :) I love vintage books. And your friend's mantel is lovely - wonderful autumnal touches.
        Enjoy the weekend,

      16. Thanks for the party Revi. Getting better all the time.
        Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

      17. Hi Revi, happy that I had something to share this week. Love Cecilia's mantle and the bottle is fabulous! I think your find is a candle holder, but not positive.
