
Friday, September 19, 2014

Seven Things to Do With A Bell Jar

Bell jars were originally laboratory equipment used to contain a vacuum environment. They were used to demonstrate the physics of how things functioned inside a vacuum. 

For example, a ringing alarm clock placed in a bell jar, with the air pumped out, stops ringing. 

In Victorian times, they were used in purely decorative ways without the vacuum feature. Displays in bell jars might include taxidermy, clocks, or fragile items. 

#1 - Wasp Nest
My own bell jars above hold a small vintage photo frame and a wasp nest on a candlestick.

Here are six more bell jar ideas from Pinterest:

Petit cabinet de curiosité
#2 - Vintage Books
I love this one with the vintage books and jar. 
Simple, yet wonderful.
Notice - this one has no base.

Lots of ideas for bell jars. Home-Styling
#3 - Dried twigs & Feathers
The cloche above has vintage bottles with 
twig clippings, a feather, a vintage photo...lovely.

Fancy - Vintage Skeleton Keys in Cloche
# 4 - Vintage Keys 
Love love love.
Not cheap, and it has a 4-5 month delivery time.
Times like this are when I feel 
happy I'm frugal and creative.

Everything looks good under a bell jar - even other jars. Meta.
#5 - Vintage Bottles
I need to find another bell jar
so I can place my vintage bottles inside it!

#6 - vintage page scrolls.
The ones above are music pages. 
You could use Bible pages or other book pages, photos, etc.
Tie them with cotton twine...even make a fun gift with it! 

Print secret messages or coupons for your family to redeem for favorite meal, a massage, I'll clean your room, one free walk the dog...whatever works as little gifts you can give. 

cloche vignette
#7 -  Family Treasures, photos, etc.
Compose your own vignette!
What a great way to celebrate the 
upcoming holiday seasons!

To see even more ideas, visit my Pinterest page HERE.

Word for the Day:
2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Possibly Linking With:
Sundays at Home
Sunday’s Best
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Make it Monday
Thrifty Treasures
Vintage Inspiration Party
Vintage Inspiration Party
Vintage Inspiration Party
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Drop it or Swap it Party
Under $100 Link Party
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugal Friday
Junkin’ Joe
Thrifty Things Friday
Party Junk


  1. WOW Revi ... what an interesting blog. Love the use of bell jars and the beautiful displays you have shown. Thanks. I need to get busy making my house look interesting, but I only have two bell jars and I threw my wasp nest away.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  2. I love all of these displays! Blessings, Cecilia

  3. Revi,
    As usual, I love your ideas. I need to get out my Fall decor and catch the vision.

  4. LOVE all these ideas! I have several of these around my house and everything looks better under one :)

  5. Everything looks so much more important and interesting under a cloche. Love all of these ideas, especially yours with the wasp nest.

  6. Oh, I love them all, but the last one strikes a chord with me. I've got a cloche that I bought 2 years ago and I've yet to find something to put under it! I made the mistake of buying a small one. I may use one of these ideas for mine. Thanks for sharing!

    Congrats for the feature at MMM, Revi!


  7. I did not know I needed another bell jar until I read this post. I now see I need a few of them! Yesterday Chucks said, "Did you see that wasp nest on the front porch?" I said, "Yes, I put it in my bird's nest for fall." "Oh, well, I threw it away."

    Thank you for linking to Make It Monday!

  8. Wonderfully curated selection, but I especially like yours! Lovely vignette.
