
Monday, July 28, 2014

Check Out 3 Thrift Store Shoppers in a Mini Blog Tour!

You have probably enjoyed a number of blog tours this summer...I know I have. So when Linda from Itsy Bits and Pieces asked me to participate, I said "Yes!" without even batting an eyelash.

Then, my blog friends and I played tag trying to enlist each other...I won't tell you what Tina said, but as usual, it made me laugh out loud. So...I did find one willing tourista, but first...

Linda's blog caught my eye early, and I've been following her for almost all of my nearly 3 years. 

She is a vintage dealer, writer and photographer, who loves to blog and incorporate her cool vintage finds into her home projects, which are chock full of great ideas.

The chippy pig on the scale cracks me up!
She creates wonderful pieces from her finds as well:

Linda has FOUR wonderful Etsy shops, btw. To find them, click HERE. To top it all off, she's a really nice, considerate blogger and human being. Be sure to pay her a visit!

This is the part where I answer questions...

What am I working on?
Today, I spent a while sterilizing canning jars, labeling them and filling them with spices and organic food ingredients that have been cluttering a cabinet in my kitchen. I need to hang a spice rack I bought at a garage sale and painted. The top is on the right side...

I also have been working on lace lamp shades to go on 3 lamps I have painted. Things are not going very smoothly!

And, I'm playing around with a mini makeover in my living room, changing the radiant violet I had in the spring to aqua.

How does my work differ from others of it's genre?
For one thing, I am single, so pretty much everything I do is done by yours truly. 

For another, I have a thing about using opposites - I love to see modern and vintage, plain and fancy, industrial and French, etc. 

I like to change things seasonally, and have created a neutral palette in most of my home so I can do it fairly easily. (I'm still working on the rest of my home...)

Why do I write/create what I do?
Three and a half years ago, I didn't even know blogs existed. My daughter sent me some links to show me ideas for her future house, and when I started looking, I was hooked! I began blogging as an accountability thing - if you post you're going to do it, you should do it and FINISH it, right? I also thought I might be able to offer a single woman's perspective and tips. I never imagined the friendships, which have been  a lovely surprise.

How does my writing/creative process work?
I most often post about something I have found at a thrift store or something I'm painting (that I found at a thrift store!) My home is probably 75 percent thrifted items, which works well for  a one-income household.

The most important thing I always post is a Bible verse that relates to what I post. God is good, and though sometimes it is harder to relate a verse than others, it usually works. Sometimes, I'll even tweak a post to make it match a really good verse better. Why do I do it? Because I believe what the Bible says, and Isaiah 55:8-11 says this:

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

10 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

I figure if I put it out there, someone who needs to read it will read it. I think that's pretty cool. 

Now, I'd like you to meet a fairly new blog friend, who is also a Texas girl! Cecilia from My Thrift Store Addiction was introduced to me via another very sweet Texas girl - Audrey - and I'm so glad we did. She's been featured at least twice in my weekly Thrifty Life Thursday link party.

Cecilia from  started her blog a little over a year ago.  She writes about her adventures in thrifting and repurposing her finds for her home and garden. 

Her garden is FABULOUS! And BIG. Wow, Cecilia. No surprise; she is passionate about her Secret Garden which serves as both her creative sanctuary and as the origin of her Etsy herb shop. 

She has been known to swoon over Vintage dishes and linens!  I love how she uses them with new things mixed in. Can you tell which is which?

Now, if only she, Audrey and I could meet for lunch and a day out doing the garage sales, I'd be a happy camper.

When you visit Cecilia, tell her Revi says, Hi!

Word for the Day:
Proverbs 27:9
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.


  1. Lovely post, Revi! So fun to learn more about you and other bloggers...thank you for the sweet shout-out, too!

  2. love linda's kitchen and celcilia's garden! and i didn't realize how you use opposites, but, it's so true! thanks for sharing, revi:)

  3. Great post! Your home is just beautiful and I appreciate the posts that are for the heart too. Glad to find some more Texas girls. :)

  4. Revi, I am so glad you invited me to participate! Loved learning about Linda--I visited her blog over the weekend from Thrifty Thursday :) Also nice to see/learn more about you, sweet friend. We really do have SO much in common--thank you Audrey! How fun it would be for all of us to get together as you mentioned! Also love your verses; they are always very timely. Blessings & hugs from this Texas girl!

  5. Wonderful learning more about you! Funny we haven't met in person, but I feel like I know you...or at least what you might like :) And what I admire most is your ability to see the potential in many objects / pieces, etc. Happy Monday!

  6. These tours are really fun- of course, I know all about you but it's great to meet other bloggers and see their style and ideas.
    Thanks for not ratting me out.
    xoxo, T.

  7. I really enjoyed your tour. I always appreciate the Bible verses! I'm going to go visit the other gals :)
    Hope you're having a great week!


  8. Thanks so much for this amazing tour. I am working on one to be published on the 11th. Hope you will come by....:)
