
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

57c Art for an All White Room and Thrifty Life Thursday #14

Yes, it was .57c. See it on the bottom of the piece? You can read a price upside down, I know you can. 

It is embossed paper...lovely. I will frame it in a lovely thrift store frame, painted white, of course. It will probably cost $2 or something like that. That's just the way it goes here.

Then I can hang it in my all-white bedroom...or wherever.

You'll be the first to see it when it is finished!

Meanwhile, for all you kind, forgiving, grace-filled 
blog friends, show us your latest thrifty finds!


Gathering Guidelines:

This is a gathering for people who enjoy hunting for treasures 
that may have previous experience or lived a former life elsewhere. 
Please share items that are second-hand or are composed of second-hand materials.

Types of Posts to Share:
    • Home decor, furniture, collectibles, garden items and even wearables are welcome, as long as they have a second-hand element.
    • Please, no food items, new pieces from "real" stores, or crafts, unless made with upcycled, thrifty finds.
    • Hand-me-downs and curbside finds are welcome, as are items found in thrift stores, garage sales, antique shops, flea markets and other interesting places.
    • Treasures may be listed as you found them, or with your updates, tweaks, and re-purposes; befores and afters are both welcome.
    • Items need not be "vintage" but must be pre-owned or second hand.
    • Posts including Etsy and other shop links are welcome! For visitor enjoyment, please link to your blog post, not directly to your Etsy shop. 
      • Though it is not a requirement, it would be lovely if you would follow Revisionary Life some way - via Blogger, Pinterest or Facebook or subscribe via email. Links are located in my sidebar to the right.
      • Please link your post (not your blog address) back to Revisionary Life.             
      • Please visit at least one other party friend.
      • I'd love for you to comment and introduce yourself if we've never met before. :) Otherwise, don't feel obligated to leave a comment. 
      • Featured items must meet the criteria above. 
      • Only posts that link back may be featured.
      • I will try to email you and let you know if you were featured!

      Word for the Day:
      Hebrews 10:24-25
       And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

      Possibly Linking With:
      Sunday Show-off Link Party
      Nifty Thrifty Sunday
      Sundays at Home
      Mod Mix Monday
      Revival Monday
      Masterpiece Monday
      Make it Pretty Monday
      Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
      Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
      The Scoop
      Inspire Me Tuesday
      Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
      Blissfully White Wednesday
      Wow Us Wednesday
      Show Me What Ya Got
      What’s it Wednesday
      Cottage Style Party
      Penny Pinching Party
      Under $100 Link Party
      Creative Inspirations
      Time Travel Thursday
      Share Your Cup Thursday
      Feathered Nest Friday
      Furniture Feature Friday
      Friday Redoux Link Party
      Frugal Friday
      Vintage Inspiration Friday
      Fabulously Creative Friday
      Party Junk
      Get Schooled Saturday
      Show and Tell Saturday


      1. Such a pretty find, Revi!
        Thank you for the party and Happy Easter!


      2. Revi, thanks so much for hosting! I LOVE your 'new' white bedroom! :)

      3. Thanks for the party, Revi! Happy Easter :)

      4. Thanks for hosting Thrifty Life Thursday # 14 Revi. Happy Easter.

      5. Sorry I was so late, but enjoyed the links. Love that pressed paper. Have a joyous Easter!

      6. sweet find, revi! i did a xmas tree full of pressed ornaments years ago. a company called cotton press has molds and paper to make your own:) happy easter!

      7. Thanks for hosting Revi. Have a great weekend.

      8. Hi Revi ... I just reviewed your types of posts to share ... "must be pre-owned or secondhand" ... well, that would include almost everything in our house. Thanks for hosting this fun Thursday party so we can show off our stuff.
        Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

      9. hi Revi ... love your embossed flower picture. It will look great in your bedroom. Can not believe they marked the price on the front!!! I guess a frame will cover it. Hate it when they mark the price on wood with a black marker too. Thanks for the party ... always so much fun.
        Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

      10. Your embossed paper is beautiful! I found your blog only a little while ago, and it's so lovely - I start imagining everything in my house in white after visiting here. Thanks for hosting the party, I look forward to joining more of them!
