
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thrifty Life Thursday #9 and Features from Last Week!

Above, some deconstructed vintage books, a brass candle holder in which I put a child-sized croquet ball I found in my home when I moved in. It was all black, and I painted it white. (There were actually three of them.)

I am still working in my living room, incorporating radiant violet here and I hope to have sunny days for taking photos this weekend!

I have also reworked my middle bedroom to be all whites.

Next, I'll be delving into the front bedroom - which will have a whole different vibe!

I know everyone says this, but it is true! It is so darn hard to pick features! You are creative, clever, stylish people who offer so much inspiration! Thank you all who share, who link back, who leave polite and encouraging comments. You rock my world. :)

Here are a few stars from Thrifty Life Thursday #8:

Audrey from Timeless Treasures found some amazingly good deals on drool-worthy vintage goodness. I might be slightly green with envy, if she weren't such a sweetie.
It couldn't happen to a nicer girl! I can't decide if I like the pig or the shoe last best...or maybe the enamel light fixture...!

Abby from Abby's Way created a charming spring wreath using a variety of textures, found objects, leftover & recycled supplies and items from nature. 

Paula from Locksley Lane shared a lovely white distressed armoire with us. It has a lovely shape, and after over-doing a bit, then adding back paint, I think she distressed it just the right amount! 

This is one of those ideas that you wonder why you did not think of it yourself, or why you have not seen it done before!

Terry from Forever Decorating added details to a vintage chair revision. I was blown away! I think you will agree...

Your creativity and style never cease to amaze me! 

Thank you all for joining this very small party, for your encouragement and your sweetness. I am humbled and inspired!


Gathering Guidelines:

This is a gathering for people who enjoy hunting for treasures that have
 lived a former life elsewhere. Please share your pre-owned treasures only. 

Types of Posts to Share:
    • Home decor, furniture, collectibles, garden items and even wearables are welcome. Please, no food items, new pieces from "real" stores, or crafts, unless made with upcycled thrifty finds.
    • Hand-me-downs and curbside finds are welcome, as are items found in thrift stores, garage sales, antique shops, flea markets and other interesting places.
    • Treasures may be listed as you found them, or with your updates, tweaks, and re-purposes; befores and afters are both welcome.
    • Items need not be "vintage" but must be pre-owned.
    • Posts including Etsy and other shop links are welcome! For visitor enjoyment, please link to your blog post, not directly to your Etsy shop. 
      • Though it is not a requirement, it would be lovely if you would follow Revisionary Life some way - via Blogger, Pinterest or Facebook or subscribe via email. Links are located in my sidebar on the right.
      • Please link your post (not your blog address) back to Revisionary Life. 
      • Please visit at least one other party friend.
      • I'd love for you to comment and introduce yourself if we've never met before. :) Otherwise, don't feel obligated to leave a comment. 
      • Featured items must meet the criteria above. 
      • I will try to email you and let you know if you were featured!

      Hebrews 10:24-25
       And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

      Possibly Linking With:
      Sunday Show-off Link Party
      Nifty Thrifty Sunday
      Mod Mix Monday
      Revival Monday
      Masterpiece Monday
      Make it Pretty Monday
      Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
      Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
      The Scoop
      Inspire Me Tuesday
      Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
      Blissfully White Wednesday
      Wow Us Wednesday
      Show Me What Ya Got
      What’s it Wednesday
      Cottage Style Party
      Penny Pinching Party
      Under $100 Link Party
      Creative Inspirations
      Time Travel Thursday
      Share Your Cup Thursday
      Feathered Nest Friday
      Furniture Feature Friday
      Friday Redoux Link Party
      Frugal Friday
      Vintage Inspiration Friday
      Fabulously Creative Friday

      Party Junk
      Get Schooled Saturday
      Show and Tell Saturday

      Thank you for visiting and looking or linking. :) 



      1. Thank you for the feature Revi! You have been so supportive and inspiring. Hugs.

        Locksley Lane

      2. Thank you for featuring my weather ...hopefully spring will be here soon!

      3. I was envious of the barn finds from Audrey last week. Thank you for hosting! And the reminder.

      4. Beautiful features, Revi! Thanks for hosting!

      5. Good morning Revi ... so honored to have my shopping finds among the "featured" this week. A BIG thanks.
        So many talented bloggers ... I enjoy every one of them. Thanks for being here every Thursday for us.
        Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

      6. awesome links/finds. I think I will have something to share and partecipate soon :)

      7. Great features, Revi! Love your vignette, too. Thanks so much for hosting. Hope you have a good weekend!


      8. Hi Revi! this is my first time linking up and I LOVE the idea of this party! I am all about thrifting and is a passion of mine! following you and love your Etsy shop also. So happy to be here. Signed up email so I will know when the next party is!
