
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Drop by Must Love Junk - I am the "spotlight" blog today!

must love junk

I am excited, humbled, and honored to be the Saturday Spotlight Blogger at Must Love Junk - one of my favorite blogs EVER! Susan's style and grace always get me. :)

She and her mom have a shop together. Aren't they both just lovely? I just wish I could beam myself over and do a bit of shopping there...

Thank you, Susan & Kris for the opportunities for all of us to get to know each other better. :)

Please visit Must Love Junk to find out more than you probably ever wanted to know about the blogger behind Revisionary Life...

Word for the Day:
He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.


  1. Well, Thanks to your lovely Spotlight I am you newest follower...Revi, or is it Plain Jane? lol

    What a wonderful feature on you. I love that you are so real-without any pretense. I can't wait to get to know you better! xo Diana

  2. Congratulations on your feature Revi.I really miss reading all of the blogs I used too.I am so busy and have so many things going on I don't have the time I used too.I enjoyed reading your feature,you have a beautiful family!

  3. I enjoyed your feature and I'm stopping by again to visit. You have a lovely family and I admire that you can create such pretty art. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  4. Ok... !
    Read the post at must love junk.
    Guess what?!
    The name your mother published her book under...I'm assuming her actual name, possibly your maiden name...
    is my maiden name.
    I'm a Barnett--
    Now isn't that interesting. :)

  5. Awesome! I'm headed right over to check it out.

  6. Wow! Congrats on being featured! :)
