
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful for Finials and SO MUCH MORE...

I have SO MANY things for which I am, family, friends, and of course that includes you!

This past week I was blessed by a friend I've never met in person. I have followed her blog for a while - she does the most amazing furniture revamps, repairs, re-makes - and this woman is NOT afraid of power tools like me. So of course, I follow along, amazed, and glad I still have all my digits. 

Anyway, Kim saw my first post about these finials I had fashioned out of odds and ends.  I mentioned I needed a final finial to finalize the lamp finial and finish it off. 
(Say that three times fast!)

Not only is she a visionary, and fearless, she's kind and generous. I only WISH Texas were a wee bit closer to Pennsylvania so we could hang out. She emailed me and told me she had a finial that might work...and she'd be happy to send it to me.

Who is this woman? KIM of REPOSHTURE STUDIO.

The first photo above is how it looked when it arrived - I almost couldn't touch it, the patina was lovely. case you haven't noticed since I've been absent lately...I still paint things white.

Here's the finalized finial, with a sloppy coat of white on it:

Fabulous! And it could not have fit any better. 

Thank you, Kim. Thank you, kind bloggers who befriend strangers like me. Thank you, God, for all my blessings, and especially for the ones for which I forget to say, "Thank You."

That said, I'd like to ask you all for a favor...prayers for my sweet Dad. He's in the hospital now with double pneumonia. I have a cold, and have not been able to visit. Needless to say, our Thanksgiving plans look different than they did a week ago. We are playing it by ear...

Many blessings!

Word for the Day:
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.


  1. Blessings to you dear Texas friend

  2. I will keep your dad in prayer, Revi. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
    It's amazing the sweet people you meet through blogging!
    The finial is just perfect and the set is awesome! Looks amazing!

  3. Oh. my. goodness. I can not express with words the sweetness and thankfulness I got while reading this post. Revi- you are way too kind in your words about me. But I loved them and they echoed in my head. especially about the living closer together! Someday, we will meet even if it is on the other side of heaven. I will know you by your smile and glow!

    So glad the finial fit and it does look perfect! I knew it would =-)

  4. Forgot to add that I will be praying for your dad and hope you are able to be with him soon.

  5. prayers for a fast recovery for your dad, revi. feel better soon. love the new finial:)

  6. Kim is such a sweetie for sending those finials to you-and they look great!
    My prayers are with you and your dad!

  7. What a lovely friend to gift you with such a beautiful finial. They look so pretty grouped together.
    Mary Alice

  8. That was very kind of Kim! I hope your Dad is doing better, Revi. Sorry I'm a little late - your blog is still not updating on my blogroll. I just reloaded it again....still showing your old post. Anyhow, I will subscribe by email. Take care, Loi

  9. Revi!
    Love the finial and the way it all turned out... Just now getting here and catching up... Didn't know about your dad. Do you have an update?
    Prayers for you and yours

  10. We meet the most wonderful people through blogging, don't you think? Your newest old finial completes your set. I hope things have improved and your father is doing better. My thoughts are with you and your family in this difficult time, Revi.

  11. Wow, I love your style and your blog. Congratulations. Kisses and happy holidays.
    This is my blog, see you:
