
Friday, November 15, 2013

Dining Room Updates - The Big Picture and a Portable Table Scape

About a year ago, I FINISHED the dining room, changing the wall color, changing the wall art, bringing in a bit more furniture and such. 

Since then, it has changed a few more times - in small ways. But life is really all about change, right?

Last December's updates have been re-updated a bit.
I have moved furniture around and out. I have added-to and moved art around.

Most recently, I added a few fall-ish things. I love fall.

So I guess I wasn't finished. Seriously, FINISHED is such a FINAL sort of word...don't you agree? 

We need to invent another word that says "I've done some fairly major changes, but the little things will keep changing indefinitely." Any thoughts?

Sorry...rabbit trail. 

Here is the room last December:

Almost immediately, I decided I had too much furniture in the room. I tend to do that. I'm working on it...

But, wait. Let's go back farther...Here's the room before my re-do last year - yellow-ish walls, but the same furniture arrangement as now. I kept many of the same elements in the room. (Maybe I can paint those golden oak chairs soon.)

Here is the room very recently, sans the black table, with my first fall display down the 8 feet long table:

To illustrate my point about the need for a new word, that photo was taken about an hour before this one:

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I had finished the gourd display a couple of weeks ago, and knew almost immediately it would not last. 

It impaired the function of the table as a sewing table, among other things. 

A more portable solution was needed. 

As fate would have it, these three wire baskets were sitting empty just a few feet away! 

It took about 10 minutes to re-vamp the tablescape into three portable wire baskets and a couple of mini-vignettes. 

Though I am trying to change my "keeper" ways, I will admit, being a demi-hoarder has its advantages. 

FYI - Except for the dining table, the large angel, the lamp, a fancy bookmark I framed, the dried gourds and the twig pumpkins... everything you see was either purchased at a thrift store or it was a freebie. 

Word for the Day:
1 Timothy 4:4
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

Possibly Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Silver Pennies Sundays
Bouquet of Talent

Masterpiece Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Give Me the Goods Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
The Gathering Spot

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Centerpiece Wednesday Link Up Party

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Grey Dey Thursdey
Be Inspired
Furniture and Paint Party

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Friday’s Five Features

Party Junk
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. Oh, I can so relate! To constantly changing things and to being a demi-hoarder! At least then you can shop your own house!
    Your room looks great-love that gallery wall :)

  2. I love how you used the 3 wire baskets on the table to make a larger display. I think it's perfect and totally portable.

  3. You are such a great stylist, Revi! I love how the room is layered - from the china cupboard to the gallery wall to the gourd display.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  4. the baskets are a great idea, revi! have a great week!

  5. You are humorous and very creative. I really like your picture wall and what a great idea for a portable display in any thing!

  6. Your dining room looks lovely, Revi! I like the idea of a portable centerpiece. I''m gravitating toward that more and more.
    Mary Alice

  7. What a fabulous large table you've got in the room! It's set up perfectly for a Thanksgiving dinner. I do the same thing. I could rearrange for days or weeks before I feel it's just right. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!
