
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Skulls and Antlers

I've said it before, and I'll probably keep saying it from time to time, because I just never stop being amazed at what you can find at garage sales.

KyAnne found them to be very interesting as well. 

I had already purchased a shelf, a couple of necklaces to take apart and use components in my own jewelry, and a vintage silver piece. 

As I was leaving, a pile of antlers caught my eye.
Seven pairs of vintage antlers, to be exact. 

Two have skulls, two are mounted on wood plaques, and the others are like this:

They were pretty shocked when I told them I wanted to buy all of them. (I plan to list them on Etsy.)

I quickly painted the wooden plaques with my ASCP French Linen. I'll show you the finished update this weekend.

Hannah has dibs on one full skull piece. I think I'll keep the other. The others will probably go to Etsy.

A decade ago, I would not have considered this to be such a find. I may have bought one or two...isn't it funny how things change?

Word for the Day:
Ezekiel 37:1-3
The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry. And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” 

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  1. Lately... I find these things fascinating too!
    I had to chuckle OUT LOUD at your "decade ago" statement... you mean 2003, right?

    That just seems NOT that long ago. :/

    these are still pretty hot right now, and they'll probably sell pretty quickly.

  2. I have some deer antlers that I found in my dad's garage...he told me I could have it...not sure what to do with it either...

  3. I cannot believe how popular antlers have become. I bought a set for my 26-year-old daughter at a local junk shop and her boyfriend called asking if I could pick him up a set to hang in his fraternity! So funny! Thanks for sharing and blessings to you, Patti

  4. Lovely. And yes, bones are hot right now, partly because they're pale and sculptural and clean looking. I'd love some for Hubby's Steampunk Study! I found you through Ivy and Elephants.

  5. What a great find. It is funny how tastes change.

  6. Revi, I just love your finds! I would have bought the whole lot, too. :) I have always been nervous about selling antlers on Etsy because I think there are some weird laws about selling/shipping animal parts, but I've never been 100% sure how they apply to antlers. In any case, I love them and I'm sure they'll look gorgeous whereever they end up!

  7. At first I found them to be creepy but every time I see them now I am growing more and more fond of them. Great finds! Thanx for sharing at THT.

  8. It certainly is amazing what can be found at yard sales. These antlers are great!!
    Mary Alice

  9. Revi, I think they will sale real fast. They are certainly a hot trend right now. Haven't been able to fall in love,(yet). lol! Sure do look lots better white. Now watch, next week I'll be buying one. Hee-hee! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. Awesome find! They are really hot now too.

  11. You might know, me growing up in Plainview and living in Lubbock the last 41 years, married to a hunter, 2 grandson hunters and our son a hunter, I have been around these all my life...and to be truthful, I don't like 'em...:)..never have ....
    O, I know they are popular right now but I don't see anything pretty about them....hahhaa....
    You will sell them quickly, I'm sure.
    Over from Mrs. Olsons

  12. Wow, what a great yard sale find!! I love to use antlers in my decor :)

  13. Very fun! I'm sure they'll sell well. Everyone seems to be into antlers and skulls these days. Well, I don't have any, but I'm rarely on-trend. So have you been doing extra yard and garage sales now that Jack and Greg's shop is defunct? I quit going to Goodwill and I feel like I'm saving a ton of money just from the little purchases here and there that I was making all the time. I have also been trying to stick to $10 a week at yard sales. Trying.

  14. I know, isn't it canny how our tastes change??

  15. Two have skulls, two are mounted on wood plaques, and the others are ...
