
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year Resolution and Thrifty Finds

Resolutions - I am still working on my list of seven resolutions, (Yes, seven - I am limiting myself intentionally.) but I wanted to wish you a happy new year today, and to share one of them with you.

My theme for the year is to be more intentional. 

I would like to improve my photography skills with the tools I have available, so when the time comes, I can upgrade and know more about what to get and how to use it. 

Today, my photography skills are practically non-existent. I have no where to go but up, right? 

I'll definitely have to schedule my time better so I can get some good natural light. I'll also need to set up a nice light place inside where I can use both natural and bulb light when the outside light is not great - like it has been lately.
I have such a place in mind...

Maybe you'll begin to notice I have better photos soon...
Today, however they are not so great. Let this be a "before" so at the end of 2013, I can have an "after" that shows improvement. I had an art professor who did that. On the first day of class, we drew a model. He kept them, and on the last day, we drew again. The class voted on the ones who had improved the most. It was a good lesson for all of us. Keep reminders of your progress. It can be so uplifting! 

Changing the subject a bit...though I'm working in the main message of my post by showing you bad photos...I wanted to show you some thrift store finds. 

After avoiding thrift stores during November and December,
I had a mad itch that desperately needed a scratch! I talked Hannah into coming to a couple of thrift stores with me last Friday night. 

I practiced my intentionality - sort of a "trial run." I only bought extremely cheap things I'll actually use here in my own home.

I can't say if white platter this is ironstone or not. There are a couple of rusty looking specks in the glaze - and it's got a crackly look. There was no mark on the back, but for .87c, I didn't balk for a second. 

I actually needed another platter to fill out my hutch, so this was a happy find! 

Here is how the hutch looked in December..

Now, .87c platter finds a new home among the other orphaned white dishes. Welcome, dear. We were waiting for someone like you to come along! You certainly filled a void.

Happy, happy, joyful, blessed New Year! You have also filled a void in my life I didn't even know I had before I began this blog. I look forward to knowing you better, learning from you, sharing with you, and I thank you for visiting today.

Word for the Day:
Exodus 12:2
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

(The Lord was not talking about January 1 in the Gregorian calendar...but about the Hebrew Calendar. Still, He speaks of the beginning of a new year. May this be a blessed one for you!)

Possibly Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sunday Show-off Link Party

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!

Blissfully White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Frugalicious Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday

Thrifty Treasures


  1. Super Scores! I love the white platter. I have a milk glass coaster like that too; it was my mother-in-laws.

  2. I think your pictures look good! Especially lately, being gloomy and cloudy, I have to edit all of my pictures...and that takes time. Lovely find with the platter!!

  3. Oh resolution- smezolution! I didn't make any AGAIN.
    but... I'm all for change, you know me. I'm always looking at myself introspectively and wondering what is displeasing...and unsatisfactory. So I don't have a problem with them...I just don't like them. Why? Because change is HARD, my friend.
    So here's hoping for the best for you in 2013! :)
    I will tell you I have a new motto this year...and I'll be sharing it soon on my blog! :) Actually, now that I've told you this and also said my piece about's kind of funny. but it's sort of a resolution. I'm so crazy like that.
    Now... about your photo skills. I want my pictures to improve for my blog, but I have to tweak and fiddle with them so much and they consume so much of my time. I know I need to improve. This is something I'm always striving for.
    I know you'll get better---and you'll be happy with your improvements.
    Happy new year friend...and here's to a new year with blessings, peace and Grace for it!
    ...I ramble, you know that right? Pat

  4. I'm not big on resolutions - but certainly always strive to be growing in the Lord. this year my word is 'joy' - something I want to be intentional about. Sounds like you have some good plans in store.

  5. Lovely thoughts, and that scalloped edged platter is just the thing for the little empty spot on your hutch. It looks great there.

    If you want any tips on photography, I've seen some really good ones by Sarah at the Winthrop Chronicles. Even when you know the stuff and just need reminders, she spells everything out and makes it easy to understand how to get good results. You can just type "photography" into her search bar if you want to find those posts. You won't have to spend time tweaking pictures once you learn to make the most of your camera and the lighting you have. It's just a matter of figuring out the settings on your camera. Good luck with those resolutions!

  6. I can't pass up a beautiful platter at a thrift store either!

  7. Ohhh I love your collection of white items - it is always good to have them on hand so they can be used & what a find at .87c.

    I am also a keen charity shop thrift shop browser & have had some great finds.

    My resolutions are simple & I blogged about them too. I will be stopping by again to see your latest finds.

    Dee at the Carlton

  8. Great goal for the photography. I am writing my goals out on my blog too, but I went all in with 31 so that I have one for each day this month. I have a linky each day, so feel free to link up at for Wednesday with hobby goals.
