
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Intentions

Living More Intentionally!

Seven things I intend to do to revise my life in 2013:

1.       Get up 30 min. earlier  
          begin my day with quiet time for prayer & reading the Bible.

2.       Follow Alkaline, Low Carb, Healthy Eating Plan 
                  Eat this way at least 5 days per week

3.       Be Active 5 Days per Week - 
          At 30 minutes activity per day: Gym, Walk Outside, Yoga Videos, Exercise bike

4.       Resume Volunteering for Hospice

5.       Increase Income
a.      Create & market jewelry line
b.      Continue Garage Sales - to park in the garage 
c.       Increase Etsy Activity

6.       Improve photography skills
a.      Create an indoor space
b.      Schedule daylight time
c.      Study and improve creativity

7.       Mini Makeovers to update house:
a.       Kitchen – paint & new accessories
b.      Guest Room – paint, paint furniture, etc.
c.       Main bath – paint, new linens, etc.
d.       Recover Sofa

Here it is for all of you to see - and I expect you to help keep me accountable! Thanks in advance, by the way.

For my blog, I've also got some ideas I'd like to put out there:
  • I'd love to co-host a weekend link party. (Any takers?)
  • I'm planning to do a series - seven things to do with...
  • I'd like to begin advertising this year...intentionally and thoughtfully and appropriately.
Word for the Day:

Ephesians 1:7-10

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses,according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight  making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
Potentially Linking With:


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Just a party with my peeps!
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
All Star Block Party
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

Blissfully White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday


Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday

Thursday Open House Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Suzy's House Party

Feathered Nest Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Fabulously Creative Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Delicately Constructed Friday
Flaunt it Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. you picked some great goals, revi:) i'm gonna have to do a search on an alkaline diet--that's new to me, i think:) wishing you the best year yet!

  2. These are great and well thought out goals for the new year, Revi. I need to make your no. 1 (getting up 30 minutes earlier) a part of my daily routine as well!
    Already a follower. Thanks for signing on with me.
    Mary Alice

  3. Love your resolutions. The diet thing I've been working on for about ten years now. Don't always follow it though. I too have a mile long, but decided not to put it on my blog. I'm going for just a word of the year. That's my speed.

  4. Good stuff! I wish you well in your intentionality! A noble pursuit.

  5. great goals! they all sound very similar to mine. Last year felt like a run away train, this year, I'd like to jump on the scenic route! ;) Your living room is cute!

  6. What a great idea to post your goals! I still need to make my list! :) Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend.
