
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Frugal Finds - One Price for All

Part of the allure of thrift stores is
that you never know what you might find.

Sometimes, it's new things.
Other times it's old things.

Like the matte blue pitcher above.
It's not marked, but I suspect
it could be Rookwood, Roseville or Weller.

The design on the pitcher is a couple of 
tropical fish - swimming - Angel Fish, maybe.
And the inside is crazed, as one might 
expect to find in a piece with this age..

It has flaws, and loads of charm.
And I bought this sweet pitcher, 
a book about Andrew Carnegie
and this iron wheel yesterday.
I got it all for one price. 
The store is closing. 
I could've filled a bag for $5.

It was so cheap 
even a cheapskate like me
was left practically speechless. 
I asked, "For all three?" 
and when she said yes,  I managed
to mumble a polite "thank you."

The book is a former school library book.

I probably won't read it. I know about Mr. C.

I do have a thing for old books with 
embellishments on their covers, however.

I scored still another cheap batch 
of goodies at another store...

Vintage metal flower frogs. The guy asked me 
what they were. I told him they were 
called flower frogs. He jokingly said,
"I thought these were inserts for your shoes."

One of them has notches to join two pieces together.
I suppose it is designed to fit an oblong vase...

 I have plans for these wood plaques that include numbers...

And while I'm painting, this  round frame
will probably get some sort of treatment...

The little cross-stitch is sweet, 
but strange...what do you think it might be?
 Not leaves, or flowers. Hmmm.
It looks like a pumpkin tree.
I bought it because I was attracted to 
the little round wood frame.

Again, at the register, I was 
quoted one cheap price for the lot.

After these finds, I stopped thrifting. 
I needed to eat dinner and shop
for shoes. I didn't find any I liked, though.
Why is shoe shopping so hard these days?
Could it be because I don't wear
6 inch platform heels or totally flat things
that have absolutely no padding so
I can feel every grain of sand I walk on?

Honestly, does anyone else have 
the same problem? Am I the only one
who is wearing shoes that are getting old
and embarrassing simply because they
are more comfortable than what I find
in the stores these days? Is it too much
to ask for a shorter heel, padding, and 
a little simple style? Anyone?

Last week, I scored a couple of interesting items.
One is a frame I'll keep. Notice the angel on top,
and the devil on bottom. It's a tad creepy,
but I'm going to paint it white and see if the
creepiness factor diminishes. 

If the gilding on this one was as nice as the 
creepy one, I would leave it alone. It is not, 
so it's going white, too. 

The last item on my list is a lamp.

It's a teeny thing - made of marble with some pink tinges.
I don't know why it's pink, so I might try to bleach it.

It has a couple of chips, 
but they don't bother me so much. 

Sometimes I don't like chips, but this one
doesn't bother me. I don't know why...

On another note...

In a couple of hours,
 I'm going to Palo Duro Canyon to
celebrate the Feast of Trumpets with
a couple of friends. We're visiting
a local Messianic Jewish congregation.

The significance of this feast is:
New Years day.
The day of remembrance.
The day of judgment.
The day of blowing the Shofar. 
(A trumpet made of a ram's horn.)

I feel led to explore the feasts - God's appointed days.
Isaiah 60 & 61 will be read. 
I'll tell you more as I learn it.

Word for the Day:
Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Linking With


Thrifty Treasures

Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!

White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special


  1. All of your finds wonderful!
    I loved the pulley!!!

    I hope you enjoy your trip to Palo Dura and enjoy learning about the feasts of trumpets.

    ...let it be safe, too. Pat

  2. You found some thrifty treasures. I like the frogs especially! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Hey Revi - I am laughing because I live in my clogs. They are soooo comfortable and clunky. But I do so much walking it is important to be comfy than chic :)
    You found A LOT!!! Love the old book and flower frogs.

  4. Revi,
    It is the thrill of the hunt! You never know what you will find and I LOVE that!
    You found great treasures! I too agree I don't care if there are chips,scratches whatever it brings more character!

  5. Shoe inserts??? LOL Can you imagine?
    Good finds. Maybe the cross stitch is berries or acorns? mean you aren't a hoochie mama wearing 6 in heels to the grocery? ;)
    I wear wedges so I am stabilized~ as you know, I'm prone to very embarrassing and painful falls.
    xxx, T.

  6. Revi, I am with you shoe shopping is no longer fun. Somehow I have purchased some new ones at Marshall's. I go looking for other things (dishes etc. and there are shoes at the end of an aisle that tell me to take them home. Comfortable and at a good price.
    Hugs, Dawna

  7. great finds! especially the frogs and the alabaster lamp!

  8. How was the festival!!!!???? This sounds so cool and I love that you are exploring God's Word in such a cool way.

