
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Painting Expectantly

Sunday, she said goodbye.
Honestly, she had mixed emotions - 
sweet and sad.

She said goodbye to the Red door and 
window in my now neutral living room. 
(well, it will be pretty much neutral
when she gets rid of the now mauve and blue
plaid upholstery on the $60 sofa.)

But for now, the red is pretty much gone.
No more of it peeking out behind
the industrial grays, whites and taupes.

She remembered loving the red SO much when 
she decided to go bold instead of white. 

It looked so cheerful against the yellow-beige walls.
At least until three and a half years ago...

Then I came to live here...

She says I have a vendetta against the post man.
He is SO rude - he drops mail INSIDE our HOUSE!!!
I keep trying to get at him to make him stop!

He just doesn't get it.
And hey, I'm bound by the good dog
code of ethics to stay on top of things
and protect my home and my people.

I think she gets it, but she doesn't like it.
So she needed to repaint. 

She is waiting for us to move out. My boy said
we would move last February, 
then it turned into May, now it's August,
which is almost she painted expectantly.

The first coat. She said she will do the second when
we get our own place. We want a mailbox that
keeps the mail outside and has cool blinds
on all the windows so the new postman can't
taunt me persistently. I will finally relax. Maybe.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the old girl will miss me.
No one will be there to bark at strange yard men,
or perform the rinse and hold on some of those
yummy dinner plates. And my boy will 
sleep in the new place, too. At least that's
what he keeps telling us.

Word for the Day:
Isaiah 30:18
 Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him.

Linking With


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Show and Tell Saturday


  1. that is too funny!!! We have two medium/large dogs...they are outside all the time...and they are my security system! ;)

  2. Oh, Revi- you, too!
    He's adorable, though.
    I am dealing with big dog door/wall damage now, too. I'm used to shorties!
    xxx, Tina

  3. You are the funny one!! Hopefully the paint will hold up to future canine attacks.

  4. Don't you just love a happy ending.
    I always there will be no more pets then I am the one who brings them home.

  5. Too cute Revi. I loved how in the one pic man's best friend almost looks cross eyed. Great pics of your protector.

  6. Very cute!! I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu
