
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dusty Little Secrets

I am a demi-hoarder. 

I am somewhat embarrassed by this fact,
and I'll tell you now that I have no intention of EVER showing my hoarding garage. It's my cram-packed, 
cluttered, dusty little secret.

One of the good things about becoming a woman
"of a certain age"  is that you know what you like.
No matter what's in style.

Some stuff you bought in college is still great looking to you.
Other stuff is not so much.
But you probably got rid of that in a garage sale already.

But some of it is just plain cool, and it speaks to you.
Maybe it's the material from which it's made.
Maybe it's the color, or the style.
Maybe you plan to use it in a project.
Or maybe it's the memories attached to this stuff.

Whatever the reason, you keep it. 
It's not on display in your home.
It's somewhere in a box, waiting...


Then you start blogging. 
And you make connections to
other people who like the same 
kinds of things that you like.
And you see cool projects
they make with the cool stuff.
And you remember you have stuff like that,
packed away in your hoarder garage or shed or attic.

And your creative juices start flowing.
You start making projects in your head.
And the urge to create becomes so strong,
it pushes you into your hoarder garage
on a day when the temperatures are over 100 degrees.
And you find a crumpled, unassuming, dusty
cardboard box that says "Art Stuff"
or something like that on it.

So you bring it into your house,
make yourself a nice cool drink,
and begin to rediscover those things
you thought were worth keeping once before.

Some are keepsakes given to you by your children.

Others are things you might use to create.

And you know there's a community of people
out there who might click on your post
to see your treasures. And they'll like them, too.

So you photograph them, and post about them. 
You keep them accessible until
you can begin to create new things with them. 

And you experience that amazing feeling you get when you make an item that someone considered to be worthless
junk into something a complete stranger would 
like to purchase, and it display in their home. 

And you still like it. You like it very much indeed.
So you decide that maybe being a demi-hoarder 
is not such a terrible thing after all.

Word for the Day:

Psalm 103:12-14
12 As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father pities his children,
So the Lord pities those who fear Him.
14 For He knows our frame;
He remembers that we are dust.

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Restyled Sundays
Sister Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Manic Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Thursday Open House Party
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. Amen sister. I clicked and I liked and I got all excited to see the treasure from that box of "art stuff". Thanks for the photographs and memories. I did a little of that kind of thing today too. We got a crazy storm and it was dark as night out. Kinda fun rummaging through the past. Now what will you do with yours?

  2. I know what you mean!!!!!!! I have "few" myself! fact, now that I think about it, I need to find my collection of Italian used stamps from the 1920 on...

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Such interesting choices of your the clock faces!

  4. Cool stuff...I know I would use those letter tiles on layouts and cards! :)
    Happy week~

  5. the clocks! i LOVE the clocks, revi!

  6. Isn't it wonderful to meet such like- minded 'peeps' in blogland? Well, this demi-hoarder GETS you! :)

  7. Are we sisters? I too am a semi-hoarder and need more space! Oh, and I so regret getting rid of so many things that I now want back!

  8. Oh, there are some real keepers in there. Noting like a little hoarding to bring people together. Looking forward to seeing some creations. Thanks for sharing, liz

  9. It was interesting to read your post. Nostalgia touches us all. It is heartwarming to find those interested in the things you find enjoyable and blogging is a great connection.

  10. I so enjoyed you post, I know exactly how you feel. The blogging community is a sister hood, and it's great someone doesn't look at us like "is that ever ugly or weird". I so love your collections, wow I have stamps from my Dad's collection. It' great to know like minded friends! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best - you helped to make it a fun party!

  11. Hoarder - collector are close cousins! I love the old stamps. There are a few things from my 20's that I wish I would leave kept. I'm a new follower, hope you will stop by, Laura

  12. In our family collecting is a passion. Your art supplies look like my stash. I love anything paper and anything that lies flattened and discarded in a parking lot! Just today I found several soda caps flattened, two rusty nuts, and a shiny piece of something. I consider them art. Came over from Elizabeth & Co.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  13. I confess to being a demi-hoarder. It feels better to have got that off my chest.Thank you for making this confession possible.

    It also helps, during times of economic squeeze, to know I have stuff put away, to make stuff.

  14. I just found an old clock face while out junking this morning~I just love it!

  15. I totally agree with everything you said. Some things you just connect with and want to have around. What I can't relate to are people who want things bare and empty. That's just boring to me.

  16. seeing all these little things you have collected. knowing all your talent have you ever tried your hand at jewelry making?

  17. I have become even more of a hoarder since blogging. Looks like you have some great collections and I especially love the clock faces. Thanks for sharing this at the Open House party.

  18. I think we all have a little hoarder in us!
