
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dani's Garden Part One

Last week I had the opportunity to house sit for some
sweet friends while they went on a family vacation.

It was sort of a vacation for me as well!
They have a lovely, cozy home. They treated me
as though I was a member of the family -
providing food and even a bottle of wine
to enjoy on the patio in the evenings!

And though I was pretty spoiled by the comfy
matress that even has a massage vibration feature,
and more tv channels than I'm used to watching,
and use of their laptop so I could still blog...

The highlights of the week were spending time in their amazing garden
and Sadi. Just look at this little sweetheart! Is she not adorable?
She's so cuddly. She's a Bijon Frisee, which
Dani told me means "curly lap dog" in French.
What do you think of her fancy feathers?

Sadi is such a happy, friendly  little girl. And guess what her
favorite treat is? Baby carrots! She gets two every time you come inside.
And she knows if she only gets one - she'll wait impatiently for the second.
Then she's a happy girl. She also eats green beans with her dog food.
She's a precious little omnivore and I'm gonna need to visit more
now that we've become closer friends.

More about Sadi later. Did you see the beautiful pot sculpture?

I was curious if there were extra holes drilled, and
so I inspected it while watering one day.
Dani confirmed it's just regular terra cotta pots
lined up on a steel rod. I want one!

Dani and Jerry have put a variety of plants in this one.
I was reminded of a friend's blog that said to
choose plants for pots that "thrill, fill and spill."

Look at this lovely spot to sit out front.

Here are a few more shots of the various plants and
lovely landscape in the front of their home.

Jerry and Dani have plenty of sprinkler systems that I didn't have to
worry about, I just watered a few things in pots.
They both enjoy their garden so much! They love our long growing season.

In addition to lovely plants, look at the stone walkway!
It is one of my favorite features. It's functional as well as beautiful.

And in Texas, with the drought we've had the past two years,
I can hardly believe how beautiful it is here.
They have methods to use water most efficiently with
drip systems and other innovations.

Check back tomorrow for photos of the back garden!
There are veggies and herbs there, and other fun things. 
And more of Sadi, of course.

Word for the Day:

Genesis 2:8

And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden,
in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Tuesday Nifty Thrifty Tuesday Cowgirl Up! Be Inspired
Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Show Me What Ya Got
Thursday Suzy's House Party Share Awesomeness Thursday Thursday Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday Share Your Cup Thursday Live Laugh Linky
Friday Feathered Nest Friday Inspiration Friday Flaunt it Friday Free For All Friday Spread the Love
Saturday Saturday Nite Special Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Oh! What a beautiful yard! I knew you were enjoying the time there, and now I really understand why! I've seen an article on how to do the pots. I'll try to find it. The stone walkway....I want one. And all the plants--just lovely! Everything is so pretty and green. We are dry here.
    Now that little Sadi. She is a real cutie and a vegetable eater-well, that's just sweet!
    I can't wait to see more pictures!
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. How fun to get to house sit at such a beautiful home with a nice spot to enjoy the outdoors. Thanks for taking the time to photograph and share it with us! I love looking at other people's homes and gardens.

  3. Are you sure that is not a top notch resort you were at. How and why can I not get my yard so well weeded. Love it and inspired to work on my yard.

  4. Hi Revi!
    You definitely have a pretty place to stay! House sitting for them looks like a great stay! I love the stacked pots! What a fun idea!
    Your little buddy Sadi is so cute! My Baby Bear is a carrot lover, too! Have a nice time!

  5. wow. What a beautiful yard. Looks like a very nice place to live. Found you via a blog hop and am now a new follower!

  6. How gorgeous! And, what a whimsical pot *topiary* ... love it! Thanks for sharing.

  7. You had a nice little visit! Our dogs love carrots, too. I throw them in the freezer for a bit in the summertime.
    Sadi's hairdo cracks me up!
    She's adorable.

  8. That's my kind of place to "have to stay"! I did notice the flower pot sculpture! That is so cute. I saw once recently near me and didn't understand how they did it. Now it makes sense! Theirs will just get cuter and cuter as the plants keep getting fuller!
    Sadi is precious! She looks incredibly soft and sweet!

  9. Awesome space and even more awesome - that doggy! We lost our Bichon in December, she was 15 years old and we miss her desperately. They are the sweetest doggies imaginable ... enjoy your new friend!


  10. What a beautiful garden. I really love the wild stacking planter that you have. How fun.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  11. Hi Revi, Your friends garden is very lovely. I wouldn't mind house sitting there myself. Sadi is so cute and I love that she eats carrots and green beans. My friend has a pot tower like that and I think it's so fun. Thanks so much for sharing this with Share Your Cup.

  12. Such a lovely home! I agree with you -- I want the terra cotta pot tower.

    Visiting from Share Your Cup Thursday.


  13. What a beautiful garden! I'd housesit there anytime!

  14. Beautiful post - what a great opportunity for you to get away in such a lovely home and a sweet thing for you to do for your friends - love the pot stand - I have one never thought to put it in a large pot! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
