
Monday, June 18, 2012

Awards and Couch Experiments...

Yesterday, I got an email that brought tears to my eyes.
You know when you hear something you'd really like to hear,
and it's wonderful and humbling at the same time?

My blog friend Kim from Reposhture said,
"I am nominating you for the illuminating blogger award because 
your love of Christ is so evident all throughout your blog. 
You are ringing the light of Christ to the world and I thank you everyday!

Wow. That's WAAAAY better than liking my living room. 
Thank you so much, sweet Kim for sending an email that
made me get a little teary! They were good tears.

If you haven't visited Kim, you should. She's not only
encouraging, she's talented, creative and she 
thinks outside the box for sure!

So, Illuminating Blogger awards are hosted by
Food Stories
and can be given for pretty much any reason
you think someone deserves an award.

I'm supposed to share one random thing about myself...
Hmmm. Pretty much everything about me is random.
OK - I can wiggle my ears! No, that's boring. 
I love everything except liver and canned spinach.
Still boring. Sorry. But enough about me!

Visit Kim and Food Stories for the low down,
and see Kim's amazing new drop leaf copper leaf table!

I'm going to nominate 5 well-deserving blog friends -
 and some of the kindest, most encouraging, 
most versatile, honest and talented bloggers in
the whole blogiverse!

Lisa at Outjunking

Pat at Corn in My Coffee Pot

Now for the experiment...
I started painting again.

No, not another chair or table...
the COUCH.

Here's how it's looking so far.
The jury is still out as to whether it
will work or whether I'm just painting 
pattern pieces for drop cloths!

Not really liking the way the cording looks painted so far...

I figured it was worth a try. This is just one coat. I'll keep you posted!

This is what I'm using...

Word for the Day:

Esther 7:8
And the king returned from the palace garden 
to the place where they were drinking wine, 
as Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was. 
And the king said, “Will he even assault the queen in my presence, 
in my own house?” As the word left the mouth of the king,
 they covered Haman's face.

Possibly Linking here...

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Delicately Constructed Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. it will look better with each coat of paint, revi. when i put the first coat on my chair, i thought oh, my, but, after a few more coats, it looked great:)
    congrats on the award!

  2. Well, if anyone deserves that award, it is you. I am always thrilled to read your posts and see how you find a way to point back to God no matter what you are sharing. It just shows how intricately our lives are entwined with his. Congratulations to you, my friend!

    I am also humbled and grateful for your consideration of me for the Illuminating Blogger Award! I don't hold even a little candle stub to you and the other blog hosts you've chosen, but I thank you kindly for spotlighting me in the light that I am most comfortable being seen by... candle light. :)

  3. Congratulations! How wonderful! My son wiggles his ears and I think it is very entertaining! LOL!
    The couch is getting painted! How neat is that!

  4. i have used fabric paint before and it always shows the texture of the fabric, so you have to be willing to work with that. it's a cool couch though!

  5. Congrats on a very deserved recognition!
    I can't wait to see what you think of the final outcome of the painted fabric. I keep wanting to try it, but I don't want it to be scratchy.
    I'll check out your noms- I know Lisa at Outjunking but the others are new to me.
    I'm jealous of the ear wiggling! My husband and youngest son can do it, but the rest of can't. LOL

  6. I'd love for you to link this project up to my Furniture Party going on every Friday

  7. Thank you dear friend for thinking of me. Your energy and no fear attitude about trying new things in designing your home's living space inspire all of us.

  8. Congratulations on your award. There is not a better compliment then to hear that you are being a light to the world for Christ! Painting your couch! That is new to me. I never thought about that kind of makeover!
    Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend! :)

  9. Congrats on your award, Revi! Doesn't it just warm your heart knowing that you are Christ's light shining in blogland? :)

    I can hardly wait to see how your sofa turns out. It just fascinates me knowing that one can actually paint a sofa cushion! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  10. Thanks for the kind words and I know I have said it before but You truly deserve this.
    You rock my world lady!
