
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Award-Free Status

Let me just apologize in advance right now.
I truly have been touched and honored
by the awards I have received. 
I enjoyed selecting people to honor
whom I really admire.

BUT, I also felt guilty. Because the
kind of awards that want you to
give it to 5 or 10 people and link back
and link to the person who made up
the award seem like awards with agendas.

And they take a TON of time. 
So, as humbled and honored as I was
to be considered for awards, I felt guilty.

I know a lot of bloggers who work,
take care of families, homes, 
mow lawns, build furniture and 
really enjoy a little free time spent blogging.

This button is for you. So you don't have
to feel obligated. And you don't have to 
worry about offending someone. (Much.)
And you don't have to feel like you feel
when you get one of those emails that
tells you to forward to ten people or 
you really don't love Jesus. 

I DON'T want to hurt anyone's feelings.
And I truly have felt great about the awards
I have been given, and the people who
have thought of me. 

But here's a thought! How about
someone who loves to give awards
just give them with no action necessary?

No permissions needed, no worrying about
who has time, or who will be offended that
you didn't select them. or any of the bad things
that go with awards. Just a little KUDOS!

That's my 2c worth. Take it or leave it.
But if you want to use the button,
feel free to copy and paste it with no
credit or even a comment. 
My little gift to you. :)

Meanwhile, how about we all focus on
the only award that really matters?
Just sayin'.

Word for the Day:

2 Timothy 4:8
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, 
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day
and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.


  1. ABsolutely LOVE this and I am now wondering why I didn't think of this! I have thought the same thing and feel "obligated" to do the rules that an award comes with. I get that they want it to make the rounds etc. but wow, i don't have time as it is.....

    Taking that button and running with it..... and I love the verse. I just want my crown in glory. It is eternal and these earthly rewards are so very temporary!!

    Love, LOve, Love you T!!

  2. I'm totally with you, Tamala. Although I haven't put a button on my site, I've had to send many, many, MANY apology emails with regards to awards. I feel bad too, but there is just not enough time in my day.

  3. Rewards are afterall God's idea... 'he is the rewarder of our faith' (Heb. 6:11) the button.
    Thanks for saying it!


  4. Bravo! You wrote the post I would have written, had I taken all the time and energy I know you put into this. You said just what I would like to say. It is an honor to have people consider you for an award, but I, like you, feel that maybe if that came without the duties, it would feel more like the kind thought it is intended to be rather than a burden, and one which means you may end up feeling bad whether you accept it or not, either because you have to do all that is required or risk offending someone or not following through, which I am guilty of. I thank you for writing this post and doing the work to create the button! I will gladly copy it and paste it on my blog.

  5. Oh my goodness...I agree. It is such an honor to be recognized by another blogger (but honestly, if the award involves passing it along to several other bloggers, I just don't have the time and I'm not sure that the folks I would pass it along to do either).

  6. Love this!!! This made me laugh out loud-- especially the part about forwarding the email ...

  7. Well said! And, love the scripture. See....this is why I follow you!

    Have a blessed week!

    Kendra @

  8. Revi - I really enjoyed this post, and totally respect you for speaking your mind. Very true!! Thank you for this!!
    Cheers from DC,

  9. I completey agree with your post and have been thinking that I need to make a button like this for my blog, too! Thanks for creating and sharing it! I will add it to my blog.

  10. "To each his own." i think the awards were a little something someone started to boost their following and a way to pass it on as well, as a newbie blogger i thought it was thoughtful and fun, i still think it is very thoughtful. However i think if someone gives you an award at least let them know that you are flattered but aren't going to carry on the tradition that way their feelings don't get hurt! This post is a great idea!
