
Friday, June 8, 2012

And the Winner Is....

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Anita of Cedar Hill Ranch!

I plugged the number of people who commented
into the random number generator at 
and Anita's number came up!

The random number thing is sort of interesting.
I believe nothing is random.
I believe our God is so big and so omnipotent,
he knows all and is in control of all. 

I believe in blessings and curses and not luck.
In ancient Israel, they cast lots to decide things.
This reminds me of that a little.

Congrats Anita!
I'll email you and we can discuss details.

It's the weekend, people!


Word for the Day:

1 Chronicles 25:8
And they cast lots for their duties, 
small and great, teacher and pupil alike.


  1. Congratulations Anita :-)

  2. Anita is a very deserving blogger and very blessed to have won. Congratulations.

  3. I agree I am very blessed to have won!! woo hoo!!

  4. Hello!

    My name is Karissa. I have been looking at your blog today and I absolutely love it. You inspire me and I hope to one day decorate like you do and have all those creative ideas. I officially own my first home and can't wait to begin to decorate it. I just moved in and the process has begun. You are amazing in many ways and as I continue to look at your blog I hope to grow in my faith as well as I have left that for awhile...and I hope to find some community where I am at and all that...Thanks for inspiring me!
