
Monday, May 7, 2012

You Can Get a Hand-Plastered Look EASILY!

And you can get for very little money.
Here's my window patch - still wet in places
to illustrate the technique.

Here's the drywall compound
and the tools needed to do this look:

Not exactly beauty shots of the joint compound
or the cheap plastic putty knives, but hey - we're real here.

This is a very THIN texture - not thick like stucco.
It is ideally about 1/16 to 1/18 of an inch thick.

I've done this texture in 2 homes, and it is
without a doubt the best, easiest to "match" when needed,
most versatile wall texture EVER.

It resembles hand plastered walls used in old homes.
I first saw it done years ago on "This Old House"
when they added on to a colonial home, and wanted
the addition to appear to be original.

It can be glazed for a more dramatic, historic or rustic look,
or painted a flat color for an interesting but subtle texture
for contemporary environments. 

It's easy to cover nail holes, patch accidental bigger holes,
even remove windows and doors, like I'm doing!

All my friends have asked for tutorials, and I'm happy to show them.

How do you do it? Just slap some on the wall and spread it thinly.
Seriously - that's all. BUT there are a few "pointers" to 
make sure you achieve the desired look.

First - everyone has a different "style."
Last year I showed my friend Karen how to do it
as we did it in her living room. I did a wall, 
and she did another. When we looked at them,
they looked a bit different. SO, if you share
the responsibility, be prepared to go back and
add or sand off some of the dry compound.

This stuff sands easily, and cleans up with water.

Second - even one person's work will require a
little adding or sanding, so be sure to look things over
before you paint to make sure your walls are consistent.

Third - don't be tempted to pile it on too thickly.
It will crack if you do. A couple of thin coats
is way better than one thick one. This is even
true when you're using the stuff to cover the joints
in drywall. By the way, can you see where
the two pieces come together?

I didn't think so. That is one of the BEST things
about this texture. It can also be applied over
previously textured walls. Have you ever seen
where someone patched a traditional brush
textured wall? They can never match it. So you
have a patch place that sticks out like a sore thumb!

This texture covers a MULTITUDE of sins - patches,
uneven drywall seams, cracks from settling, etc. 
You just build it up where needed, and smooth it out.
Like I said earlier - if you need it to be a little thicker,
just do multiple thin layers. 

After this dries, it turns white. This is the best time to check
for consistency and sand any rough places or add any "too flat" places.
Next, it can be painted with or without primer. 

This may not be the most EXCITING post ever, 
but for me, this texture has been a real time-saving 
and attractive background for my home.

It allowed me to cover the wallpaper seams
relatively easily, without stripping it!
When you're looking at a whole house
that's been wallpapered, that is a REAL time-saver.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Word for the Day:

Micah 7:11
The day for building your walls will come, 
the day for extending your boundaries.

Linking With


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  1. I've done this too. It's a great look. Love your verse choice.

  2. my sister did this a couple years ago, and i loved it! great tips, revi:)

  3. I have done this and love it! I covered an entire old plastic tile wall with this method and then did a glaze paint over it. I also did a wall below a built in aquarium and pressed fern fronds in it. That was 10 years ago and it still looks great. It's easy to do and very forgiving. Have a wonderful day ~

  4. Very clever! Thanks for sharing a nicely detailed tutorial!

  5. Very nice. It's a great look and a great cover up for the imperfections in an older home, or one that has seen many many kids.

  6. Wow! This look is amazing! Thanks ever so much for sharing how you achieved this plastered wall finish. I saw your post over at "Wow Us Wednesday".

  7. WOWZA..... you've saved the day, the YEAR! I stripped wallpaper from a 100 year old bedroom walls of my home, the room has had bare walls for 2 years because I didn't know WHAT TO DO. When I tore off the old wallpaper, it also ripped off plaster, etc. Some of the walls had been replaced with drywall so the wallpaper ripped off drywall leaving the walls in a horrible mess. I am SOOOO going to do this now. The house is old so this look will fit right in. I can't wait to get started. (After my week long vacation at the beach first). THANK YOU for sharing your tips. I'm on top of the world now that I have a plan.

    ~ Lisa ~

  8. I love plastered walls, and you did a splendid job! I'm now your newest follower!

  9. I love this idea! What a great way to work around all those issues that come with old houses! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
