
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Santa Fe Retreat

Busy, Busy, Busy. 
No, I have not been gardening...sigh.

Last week was amazingly busy.
Aside from my mom having 
some minor surgery, 
two committee meetings,
my uncle's baseball game,
patching sheet rock, 
and working at my day job, 
I was preparing for a retreat!

Retreats are those things that
help you remember to
say "NO" politely 
when people invite you to 
be the secretary of a committee,
so you can have some 
QUALITY time for God and
for yourself.

The theme of this retreat was
"Peace in His Presence,"
and the speaker was 
Evelyn Husband Thompson,
former wife of astronaut Rick Husband.

He was killed February 1, 2003
when the Space Shuttle Columbia broke
apart upon reentering the Earth's atmosphere.

Evelyn is an Amarillo native, and she grew up as a member of our church.
She is an author and a gifted speaker. And she has connections to us.

She shared not only her experience with losing her husband
so suddenly and tragically, but how she has found a "new normal."

In between her thought-provoking and powerful messages to us, 
we went sight-seeing. And we ate LOTS of green and red chile.

There were over 100 of us in Santa Fe, so it was
great to keep running into women we knew!
There were women of all ages together. It was wonderful.

We shopped around the Plaza in shops with great handmade
and folk arts from New Mexico and foreign countries.
Look at this amazing "bird house." It's made of wire.

I found a couple of items for my daughter's
Bohemian-themed summer studio apartment.
Since they're a little surprise, I'll show you those later!

Near the Plaza, we visited the famous mysterious 
staircase at the Loretto Chapel

which is a long-time mystery that has no explanation.
The stair case makes two complete 360 degree 
turns without a central support. 
You can read  of the mysterious staircase here.

The small chapel is lovely and ornate.

Just outside the chapel is a tree filled with
beads, rosaries and milagros (miracles.)

The xeriscape plantings around Santa Fe were lovely.
Here are a few samples from around our hotel:

Blue Salvia



Saturday night, we stepped outside to view a Super Moon.
(It's the closest and clearest moon of this year. 
It was about 15,000 miles closer than usual.)

Today after a lovely breakfast, praise and worship,
heartfelt testimonies and fellowship, we drove home. 

This retreat was a total blessing. 
All weekend, people kept asking us
what group or conference we were with.
They said, "You all seem so happy!"
They were right. 

Even at the end of a lovely retreat or vacation,
it's always nice to return home...
even if the living room walls are staring at you,
begging to be completed!

Word for the Day:

Luke 8:39
“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” 
So the man went away and told all over town 
how much Jesus had done for him.

Thank you Jesus, AMANDA  and retreat team,
for this amazing experience!


Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Sister Sunday

Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Show Me What You Got!

Share the Love Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Thursday Favorite Things
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Free For All Friday
Spread the Love


  1. It has been years since I have been on a retreat. Motherhood has gotten in the way! Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.

  2. You were near my old stomping grounds! I lived in the ABQ area for over 20 years - 11 of those in Corrales, just a hop, skip and jump from Sante Fe!

    It sounds like a wonderful retreat and I would have love to have heard her message. I'll definitely look for her book.

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  3. Retreat even the word sounds peaceful. Glad you had a great time. You are one busy lady, and deserving of the time away.

  4. this sounds wonderful, revi! hope your mom is doing well:)

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful time! And, the staircase and chapel are amazing! Thank you for sharing. Also, my husband laughed when I read your comment to him about his backside. lol. And, yes, I do have it Good! I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter. FYI, come by for a visit and enter the giveaway when you get a moment. Wishing you a grand day! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. Hi Revi, I loved hearing about your retreat in Santa Fe. Two of my sisters and a niece live there and you were describing places they have told me about before as well. The retreat sounds wonderful. What a story Evelyn Husband Thompson must have. Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed it, especially how you tied it all together at the end with the verse from Luke. Thanks for "returning and telling". A fitting ending.


  7. I am completely fascinated with old churches...that staircase is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I think the last time I went on a retreat was years ago, I do know that I need one! Love churches, always holds so many different emotions. So great you had a great one. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration over at Sunday's Best!

  9. Hello there... I found my way to your blog from Jann's party... your photos of Santa Fe are stunning... as a little girl, I spent every summer in Santa Fe at my grandmothers house with my grandmother and great~grandmother and all of the family... it has changed sooo drastically since then, but my fond memories of my grandmothers house and cottage garden take me away to a "retreat" of sorts even now... thanks for sharing, and Happy Mothers Day to you, xoxo Julie Marie

  10. Hi Revi, what a great place to renew the soul. Inspirational speakers like that really touch the heart. Loved seeing a bit of what you enjoyed. You and your friends look like you are happy gals. Thanks so much for sharing with Share Your Cup!
