
Friday, May 11, 2012

Humble Beginnings

YEARS ago...Probably around 1990...
The year some of you were born...
I was driving down the street in Houston.

Back then, I already had the "eye."
I could spot good junk from a distance.
I saw a pile of stuff in front of a house.
Trash was put out at the curb there.

I urged my husband to pull over so I could
grab a couple of interesting things...
He was VERY embarrassed to do it.

Unabashed, I jumped out of the mini van and
grabbed this little chippy white table.

It is one of those tables that had an enamel metal top. 
The top was there, too, but it was pretty chipped up. 
Back then, chips were not so highly prized as they are now.

I'd had one of those tables in a furnished apartment at college. 
It was in my kitchen between the fridge and the mini gas stove.

I decided to leave the top, but the table went home with me.

I scrubbed the loose stuff off and put a clear finish on it to keep the rest.
I cut planks to fashion a top for it, and called it good.

That was during my first love affair with shabby white things.
Though that marriage eventually ended due to a bad case of
mid-life crisis on someone's part, the affair with shabby white lasted.

Though I flirted with black, red, green and gold, this table
was never touched, and there was always a spot for it.

For now, it is standing as a sentinel at my front window.
The window is still red, but may get a new coat of taupe oil paint
this weekend! The new pane of glass and the outside
will have to wait until a certain dog finds a new residence.

It's just the right size to keep her from jumping up and
trying to attack the post man, and breaking the glass.
Do you think she looks vicious? 

Me neither. But she sure did a number on the front door and window.
She was just doing her job and guarding her home and family.
And that mail man could have been a bad guy. You never know.

And remember the red sofa. It's on its way out to the alley this weekend.
I'm keeping the cushions for her to lounge on. 

So the little kitchen table that was tossed out on the curb,
has made its way into my Industrial Elegant Cottage Living Room.
At least for a while...

Since she had a new assignment,
 I decided on a mini face lift for the old girl.
Her retrofitted wood top got a new coat of
ebony stain so she would have a darker finish.

Who would have guessed she had such a checkered past?
Now she's hostess to a variety of characters: 
an industrial metal file box, a vintage metal flower frog,
a wire basket, a revised crackled glass lamp, and some vintage books.

These are particularly interesting ones. Isn't this a great cover?

Here's the title and the first page:

And this is a page from the back:

The other book has a lovely embossed seal on it's tattered cover:

It's a book of poems:

Don't judge a book by it's cover, or a table by it's top. 
Or maybe you can after all!

Word for the Day:

Your beginnings will seem humble, 
so prosperous will your future be.

May your future be full with blessings and prosperity from the Lord!

Linking With


Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Flaunt it Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday
Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Restyled Sundays
Sister Sunday
Just something I whipped up
Creative Me Link Up

Metamorphosis Monday
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Revival Monday
Just a party with my peeps!

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got


  1. GORGEOUS table girl!!! Don't you love it when you score something like this...and put your own touch to it? Looks like a timeless piece to me...hugs and love, Dawn

  2. What a great find - it is wonderful!!!

  3. I loved seeing the corner of your home! So neat and inviting!! And interesting, too! Love the table story. My great-aunt had a table that looks a lot like your table. It had been painted white I don't know how many times. It had one small drawer on the side where it looks like your table has a drawer. It had a wonderful enamel top with probably only one small chip (if any)--hard to remember. My brother, later, after she died, used it to put things on while they were spray painted. BAD MAN!!!! I need to ask where the table is, if he knows. Her table was in the kitchen and she used it constantly when cooking. I can remember we rolled out home-made pastry there when she taught me to make cobbler. I could go on and on...
    Thank you for a sweet post and bringing back happy memories.

  4. So glad you picked up that table! Can you imagine it in the dumpster?! It's perfect! I love the way you have it in the window, and your fur baby looks sweet as can be.

  5. its too lovely to be thrown away! sweet face on your protective friend:)

  6. That table seems like it's become part of your family lore. It has character and stories it looks like it has been a beautiful addition to your home and your life. Good eye, and good job jumping right out and snagging it all those years ago. I love to see a happily ever after rescue story!


  7. Love that table.And the perfect spot too.I never turn away a great find.No matter where it is especially when it is free.

  8. I love that table :) What an awesome story to tell! You always have the best finds.....chippy and a little worn with a story.

    My favorite kind!


  9. O.k. you have snapped me out of my funk, I'm ready to start redoing again. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. Happy mother's Day!

  10. THIS is the table I want!! But I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the nerve...I admire yours, because you've had a long, lasting relationship with it! (Your comment about the other is a riot!!) Great table! ~Zuni

  11. I was loving the table you featured when I spotted your dog. She could be my dog's sister.

  12. Beautiful table, here from My 1929 Charmer, and now following you :)

