
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day...

Here's a post in honor of you, Mom, and all moms!
Here's to your love, patience, and sacrifice.

Here's to your guidance, example and 
encouragement to the generations following you.

Here's to your "How can we do this?" attitude.

I'm glad I grew up with you. 
I didn't know what a gift I had at the time.

Watching you allowed me 
to know how to be me.

You showed me:
How to be frugal and still be stylish.
How to appreciate old things.
How to look for bargains!
How to make a cozy home.

I love you.

All these photos are in tarnished, silvery
frames I have found in thrift stores.
My mom took me to my first thrift store ever. 

Word for the Day:

Exodus 20:12
“Honor your father 
and your mother
so that you may live long 
in the land the LORD 
your God is giving you.


  1. He descubierto tu blog y me ha encantado su contenido. Desde hoy lo sigo, si lo deseas te invito a conocer mi blog y si es de tu agrado, me gustarĂ­a tenerte como seguidora en mi blog para seguir en contacto. Un saludo muy cordial.

  2. A great tribute to motherhood. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. So sweet. I love seeing the old and new photos together in the old frames. Beautiful, and the verse so fitting.

    Happy mother's day!


  4. Sweet thoughts for Mother's Day.
