
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why Thrift Stores are like eHarmony

OK, I haven't yet tried eHarmony, but I'm thinking about it...

But first, let me tell you why I'm comparing
 the two seemingly unrelated entities. 

But even before that, let me ask you if you have
ever found matching things on different trips 
to different stores at different times or in different cities?

Has that ever happened to anyone else?
I LOVE it when that happens!
And it has happened to me several times!

Example #1
A nice modern style black ceramic lamp base.
I knew I could pair this with a great drum shade and be good to go.
It was 2 bucks.

Then, earlier this month, I found this one!
Same style, different color. $1.41.
I thought, "Mason might need this for his future house..."
But Mason preferred a traditional style lamp.
Go figure.

I must admit, it didn't dawn on me for a while...
But these two lamps would be PERFECT
for the redo I'm doing in my recently redone bedroom!
Yes, I did it last summer. 
Now, I'm reworking it some.

One thing has to happen, though. 
Can you guess what that is?

You are SO smart! 
White spray paint! I know, brilliant!

So last Saturday, I put out a sheet I bought
at Ross for a good price. My daughter
said it was like sleeping on a paper towel.
That thing never softened up!
And I'm changing the colors anyway.

My plan was to spray a couple of coats of flat white, 
then a few coats of gloss white. But...

I really liked the look of the FLAT finish. 
And it goes with other things like these little vases.

Let me digress a bit...

I knew you wouldn't mind when you saw why!

I'm doing my bedroom in
Of course, it's white on white, too,
with some gray and taupe for good measure.

So now, I have two matching bedside table lamps!

I will use my current lamps in the dining room.

Which brings us to...

Example #2:
They are also an eHarmony couple!

One was purchased years ago at Walmart. 
The other was purchased last year at a thrift store!

Since you couldn't see the price, I haven't bothered to wipe it off. 
I like seeing how much things cost later.

I guess now that I have this post, I can clean it off!

These lamps had traditional shades on them until
last year. Then I bought the white ones you see above
at Walmart for about $10 each.

Since I need new shades for these, I'm going to
make some industrial ones. These will become
a new industrial elegant element in my
dining room, which is visible from the living room!

These lamps could probably star in a 
Jane Austen novel, don't you agree?

Which reminds me...

Word for the Day:

Genesis 2:18
The LORD God said, 
“It is not good for 
the man to be alone. 
I will make a helper 
suitable for him.”

May the Lord bless your union,
or may he bless your singleness.
May you find a Godly mate if 
it is His good and perfect will for you!

Linking With


Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party

Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Oh I love finding matching items on different trips! I have done this a few times too, lately it has been with some white pitchers and creamers! I loved your lamps painted white and the flat paint is perfect!

  2. i've found things that go together, but, never matching. great lamp redos, revi! (i never take prices of stuff either:)

  3. Oh yes, I love when that happens! It happened for me with lamps too...two different stores in two different states. I found three of them, each on different trips. I painted them with mirror paint and put two in the family room and one in the dining room -woohoo!

    Your lamps look wonderful painted white. Very cool and chic!

    Way to go and I love your scripture for the day!

    God Bless,

  4. Loving the lamps can't wait to see the shades you are going to create. I am interested in seeing the Modern Primitive style bedroom you finish with too.

  5. WELL DONE - they look great painted.

    And it is total serendipity when you find like items and make perfect pairs - love love love it when that happens, which is super rare for me.

    Usually it is the lady in front on me BUYING the perfect matching gizmobob and me silently screaming inside, haha.

  6. It is fate! I love them painted flat white. They are beautiful!

  7. So one would be Mr. Darcy? LOL! Seriously, Tamala.....I love your lamps. But even more.....I LOVE your title! hee hee! It made me smile. Awesome post!

    Thanks for the smile today!


  8. I can't wait to see what you do with your bedroom Revi! Hurry up and reveal it! haha

  9. Love you new lamps and shades!

    I think it is funny that when I go garage saling a lot of times you will see the same thing for sale at several different sales. One weed it will be 1/2 dozen car seats for babies, another time, 3 old lanterns- exact same styl1! Now if I am looking for 2 of a kind something it will not be that kind of weekend!


  10. This is so much fun!! Amazing lamps. Can't wait to see them in your decor!

    Hope your weekend is wonderful.

  11. AWESOME!
    It really is like hitting the jackpot when stuff like that happens. Those lamps look soooo nice all clean, white, ad perfect:) I would be super excited if you linked up over at my Anything Goes Link Party going on from 6 MST Friday till midnight Monday.
    xxx, Kim

  12. Love your lamps but I think the shades are wonderful too. Well done all around! I'm visiting from Funky Junk and am a new follower. Happy Weekend!

  13. Hi Revi, yes I love it when I run across things (well, maybe not matching) but that add to a collection I have. One time I found a sweet Pitcher with wheat on the front at a local thrift shop. Then when vacationing in AZ I found four matching juice glasses. Was I ever a happy lady. Your lamps turned out great and what a good price. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup!

  14. awesome turnout! I like the flat finish much better.
