
Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Three Dollar Day

Yesterday morning on my way to work, I saw a sign.
No, not one of THOSE signs, a Garage Sale sign.

So, I decided to circle the block and visit it.
After all, I need more stuff. Especially the 
kind of stuff you find at Garage Sales.

It was not a huge sale, but there were some nice things.
As I drove up, a lady was loading a nice little table.
I imagined it was cheap, and wished I had arrived a bit sooner.

So, all I ended up with was this little white thingy:

It had a white candle inside and a .75c sticker on it.

By the end of the day, after work, the candle looked like this:

I haven't cleaned it yet. See:

And I couldn't pass this up for a quarter:

Of course, I'll paint it white.

I would've sprayed a bunch of things today, 
but it is very windy - not good for spray painting.

So, off to work I went - Hi Ho, Hi Ho!

After work, I had plans to go bowling. 
My cousin was here from Dallas, and my
aunt thought it would be fun to go out
for burgers and bowling.

I've bowled 3 times in my life.
Suffice it to say I am not good.
Let's leave it at that.
But I'm usually up for something new!

On the way, to my aunt's house,
 I stopped by the new thrift store near my work. 
I bought this for two bucks:

See the little green sticker?

It's a wee bit shabby and rickety.
I guess I like things like that.
It had at one time been hung by this cord:

But it apparently failed.

Good thing the little mirror didn't break!
It has a certain amount of charm, 
like the way the glass is cut to follow the shape,

And some "character" that made the guy
who sold it to me apologize. 

I told him it didn't bother me. 

I didn't tell him I liked it that way.
It does have one fairly major flaw, though:

I wonder how it happened? 
At first I thought I'd just paint it white
and call it "character."

But, I'm kinda liking the dark wood for my living room...

Three things. All in all, not a bad $3 day!

Word for the Day:

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three come together 
in my name, there am I with them.”

May you ALWAYS know He is always with you.


Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday

Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Restyled Sundays
Sister Sunday


  1. Great finds!And great prices too. In need to venture out and look at some garage sales.I usually don't carry cash so I often don't shop at them.I may need to start carrying a little.

  2. You did have a great day for three dollars!! I like to sleep in on Saturdays so I don't make it to many yard sales. Last night, I dreamed I was at a really great yard sale-- you know, the kind of sale that has all the really cool stuff you see in Blog Land. I think I was looking at a demijohn that was in wonderful condition and at good price--- I don't remember the rest. I did stop at a nearby antique/ flea market today ( since I had that dream I had high hopes ) . They had outdoor booths they had rented out for the day. I bought a blue Ball mason jar with a zinc lid for three dollars.

    Your mirror was a deal!! Bet it will be featured in another post in the future.

  3. You know I'm digging that mirror, and did I hear right you might not paint it white? I do like that dark wood. You'll make the right call I am sure.

  4. You had a great $3.00 day! Can't wait to see what you do with these!

  5. Looks like you got some GREAT stuff! Can't wait to see what you do with it all!

  6. I love that old mirror - the color is perfect. The silver coming off -- in perfect old'chippy fashion!
    The little picture frame--wonderful. The lantern...all wonderful!

    The candle...a casualty. But in my case I'd melt it down anyway for firestarters! If it were scented I'd say put it in a tin can on the pilot of your stove (provided it was gas) and let the aroma fill the air. otherwise... I've got nothing!

    have a blessed day--

  7. Revi, what a great score! All great finds and the price can't be beat!
    Oh, how we think alike, I love the white and light look, but with a few dark pieces mixed in. I think it adds a little character.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Big hugs,

  8. I'd say you have some pretty creative finds. The white candle holder would be great as a mini greenhouse!

  9. such great goodies--i love the $2 mirror! wish i could find great prices like that!
