
Saturday, April 21, 2012

I Have Found My Marbles!

Games People Played - Part 1

Not that I had ever REALLY lost them, but I had tucked them 
away in one of those built-in cabinets that are up so high 
you need a step stool to put things in them. 

When I had this idea to do a post about games,
that has now morphed into a series of three posts,

I gathered all (well, some) of my game things together.

Some of them are so cool, they deserve their own post. 
Like these marbles. Some are really old and made of Agate.

There's even a blue agate one.

My son Ethan found the largest Agate marble under a bush
in front of a circa 1900 home in our old neighborhood.

These marbles were nicknamed "Aggies."

I found the small ones inside an old game in the toy section of 
the Purple Heart Thrift Store in Houston years ago.

I think these glass ones are also old - they have a matte finish
and show signs of being played with and enjoyed.

The others are newer - the kind I remember playing with as a kid.
We played with them in games, but I never really played
the kind of MARBLES game where you shoot them and knock
other marbles out of a circle (or wherever.)

That was more of a boy's game.
I've gathered that you use the large ones to do this.
I think they're called "Shooters."
If I am wrong, please correct me!

There are several large ones in my collection.
But you can't tell in this photo, because I didn't put 
a small one for comparison! Trust me on this. 
(Or look at the photos above.)

And somehow, they used "Steelies," which look
quite a lot like a ball bearing. This one is in desperate
need of cleaning. 

Some of mine are opaque glass, and others are
transparent. Some have bubbles, others don't.

I like all of them. I like the history of them. 
Marbles have been found in ancient Rome and Egypt.
They were made of clay, stone or glass.

Ceramic marbles began to be mass-produced in the 1870s.
In the early 1900s, glass marbles were mass produced
in the US. Most US marbles came from Ohio. 

Today, two companies still produce glass marbles:
Jabo Vitro in Reno, Ohio, and
Marble King, in Paden City, West Virginia.

Why don't people play games anymore?
Because we sit at our computers?
Let's bring them back for our children and grandchildren!

Word for the Day:

The city streets will be filled 

with boys and girls playing there.

May today have some fun and games
to balance out the work you have to do!


Linking With


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Show and Tell Saturday

Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
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Making the World Cuter Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Show Me What You Got!

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Be Inspired

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What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love


  1. We used to play Chinese Checkers with our marbles. We still have the board and the marbles and we sometimes still play. We have a good number of the clear marbles with the stripe of color in them which I remember from my childhood.
    My Dad used to play marbles when he was a boy. I remember him telling us about it one time. They did the circle game where you tried to knock out the marbles with the larger "shooter" marbles.
    Nice memories!

  2. i haven't seen a marble in years--this brings back fun, but, old memories--tfs:)

  3. oh, i forgot to tell you--i got this email alert-yay!

  4. I see you have not lost your marbles but that in fact you had only forgotten were you put them. hmm which is worst! I had to try and be funny. Of all the marbles I like the Aggies and the solid white with a stripe in them. Will you put these in a jar so you can enjoy?

  5. oh, how i love this post! i remember playing w/ a jar of old marbles as a child and now i'm wondering where they are! the agate marbles are gorgeous! lucky you!

  6. Great post! Love the history. Your marbles are beautiful!
