
Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Tale of Two Lamps...and a sweet surprise!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

She had been loved early in life, but too soon, she ended up somewhere she never thought she'd be - cast off by polite society and sold for a few coins. 

She had lied to herself,telling herself she was content pretending to be something she was not. 

Life had been different for the other lamp. In the beginning, it was good. She lived in a nice home. Later, she was sent to live among young followers of The Way. But even there, in this life, change is inevitable. She tried to hang on to the old ways, but it didn't work. Before long, she was unwanted and destined for the curb.

She tried in vain to reinvent herself. First, she tried a cheerful color. She looked ok on the outside, but deep inside, she was not happy. 

The colorful life she thought she wanted seemed dreary after only a short while. It had not been a good fit. She knew there was an answer out there somewhere. She had seen others who seemed to have it all. She kept looking.

One day after much searching, both lamps ended up at the same place. It was a divine appointment that had only seemed like chance.

They lived together separately, neither experiencing much change for a while. Then suddenly, it happened.

First, one felt the call to a new life. It surprised her how much she wanted it. She never thought she'd like this kind of life - she'd always imagined it would be very boring. She was wrong. 

The new life was a process - complete change did not happen all at once. She knew she was on the right path, but there was still work to be done.

In the beginning, she tried on a variety of hats. Some reminded her too much of her old life. Others seemed like a good fit, if a bit too dramatic. Still, she had a plan she thought might work...

After seeing the positive change in her new friend, the other lamp soon felt the call to let herself be remade from top to bottom as well. 

Though each had taken very different paths, they had both been brought to the same place. It was a place full of joy and contentment. It was a happy place.

After a bit of tweaking*, both found their new lives more fulfilling than they had ever imagined!

Neither had guessed their lives could change so dramatically! They agreed it was a sweet surprise that two lamps with nothing in common now lived happily together. They were both excited about the changes going on all around them - and the parts they would play in their new environment.

* A sweet surprise - I found the blue floral lamp shade at Walmart for under $7. It was the perfect size for my lamp, but the color was wrong - way too bold. I decided to spray paint it with gray Rustoleum primer. I planned to cover it in burlap. As I sprayed it, it began to look like damask! I decided it looked good enough without doing another thing to it! One coat of spray paint on a LAMP SHADE! I like it - what do you think?

The pretty gray embroidered shade is also a Walmart find for under $10. 

I used Krylon satin nickel spray on the brass/green lamp. It covered beautifully! I like the warm silver tone of it. I still have quite a bit left in the can, so you'll be seeing it again!

Word for the Day:

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

May you experience abundant grace with each new day!

Linking with:
Saturday Saturday Nite Special Show and Tell Saturday 
Sunday Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Monday Creative Blogger's Party Before and After Party
Wednesday Penny Pinching Party - What’s It Wednesday Fridays on Remodelaholic Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday


  1. Both turned out FABULOUS! Your blog is SUPER cute! Thanks LOTS for visiting earlier! I'm excited to be your newest follower!!! I'd love it if you would share the 'LoVe!' on your next visit to It's Overflowing!!!

    XO, Aimee
    Your New Bloggy Friend

    If you get a free moment,I have a ramsign giveaway going on right now...there's a link on my right sidebar!

  2. I really like a happy ever after story, especially when it involves lamps and shades. I think your lamps truly are the color they were meant to be. Looks like you really have been busy.

  3. Cute! I've been wanting to paint an old lamp I've inspired me!


  4. Fantastic makeovers and a very cute story to go along with it!

  5. these two girls look fabulous in their new outfits, revi:)

  6. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, and these two definitely been given a happy ending by you. Loved how you wrote the post, very cute and enduring. They are both so beautiful.

  7. I'm a lover of lamps! I just can't seem to pass one garage is a testimony to that. So glad that I found you blog. I'm a 4 month old blogger myself, so it is always nice to meet new blog friends. I'm following you, so stop by and follow back so we can keep in touch. Welcome, Lori

  8. Fantastic job on both! I love that you were able to paint both shades too. I'll have to try that. I have an old lamp sitting right beside me here with a shade that is ancient. You have inspired me!

    I've missed you my friend ~ been so hectic around here. I so appreciate your prayers! Stop by and "meet" Heather.

    Have a fantastic week!

  9. you make this look so easy! i went up and down and up and down this post looking at the photos, the changes you made and i'm so impressed with your vision. lamps just don't speak to me the way yours speak to you. :(

    both are beautiful! love this story!
