
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Change of Plans! And lovely Inspiration Photos...

Before you begin...know that this is a long, wordy post. There are lots of pretty pictures to go with it, though!

Not so very long ago, I posted a little info about my plan for redoing my home COMPLETELY.

I was and still am very much in the mood to make major changes to my current look. It was a very frugal and practical approach - using things I already have and love.

What I have:  I have variety of richly colored items - reds, greens, golds and blacks mostly. Most rooms had variations of these colors. I have medium colored original oak flooring - it's not pristine. It has "character."

What I desire: I really admire a neutral, mostly white, eclectic/industrial, textural environment. I love old and new, primitive and polished all together in a traditional but creatively quirky space.

I love Scandinavian design like these spaces at Vita Verandan:

Here's the BEFORE in a nutshell:

Living Room - light beige/yellow walls, red sofa, black side tables, green chest and book case, black/red/green/gold floral fabric side chairs and cornice boards.

Dining Room - light beige/yellow walls, white hutch and table, red chairs with the same black floral fabric covered cushions. Black, Red & Green mix & match dishes in the hutch. Red books & decorative items.

Kitchen - chartreuse walls, distressed white cabinetry, green floor, red backsplash (paint), red door to garage. Off white counters and appliances.

Bathroom - light beige/yellow walls, white and off white tile and floor tile. White cabinet. Chartreuse graphic floral shower curtain with coordinating towels.

Daughter's Room - dark tan walls with gold metallilc wash, black iron bed, black and wicker corner shelf, black iron side table with green trim, white chest of drawers.

Son's Room - tobacco brown/green walls, camel, red, green cafe curtain and comforter, wood chest of drawers, dark green primitive cabinet, red primitive armchair

My Room - medium neutral green walls, white painted furniture.

My bathroom - totally original old wallpaper & fixtures that need to be replaced.

Den - wood knotty pine paneling - natural unpainted. Ceiling is also wood. Windows have wood shutters. It's dark and works ok as a media room for now. Some people love it, but I'd love to paint it. Greenish-gray sofa and love seat, computer desk, primitive wood coffee table and trunk used as a side table. Book shelves with all kinds and colors of books.

Just how does one make a long-desired switch from a richly colored home to a light neutral home? 
My plan was to sort of phase it in.

Overall Goals: 

Simplify - pare down a bit, keeping only things I love and that have sentimental value.

Refresh - Change it up - move furnishings and accessories to new places to creat a whole new look.

Lighten Up - paint all walls lighter neutral colors. Keep the shiny white trim. Move toward a mostly white and neutral palette. Use colored accessories - keeping all one color per room.

Here are a few examples of my inspiration from For the Love of a House:

Phase #1 plan: Use existing furnishings and refresh as needed with paint.

Living Room - (green room) Use den sofa and love seat to replace the red sofa the dog ate.  Use green things - artwork, pottery, books, etc. I have a lovely patchwork velvet throw with a variety of greens. Use existing black furniture pieces along with some existing green pieces in the mix. I'd paint my shiny red, dog-scratched front door shiny black - inside and out.

Dining Room - (white with green accents) Change chairs and dishes in hutch to all whites. (Done and done.)

Kitchen - (white with black) Change chartreuse walls to neutral. Put new neutral flooring down.  

Bathroom - (whites) paint walls off white, get new white shower curtain, window curtain, rug and towels. 

Daughter's Room - (off white with black and brown) paint off white walls, keep black iron bed, black and wicker corner shelf, use new white chest of drawers, use some black small tables.

Son's Room - paint off white and turn it into a studio when he moves. Keep a twin bed as a daybed. Bring in work tables and shelving. Use lots of color in artwork and accessories. Keep it fun!

My Room - paint walls taupe, use white painted furniture, along with some dark woods. (It has been painted, and just needs a few things done.)

My bathroom - go all white here. do cosmetic updates until it can be redone. 

Den - (red room) Paint knotty pine paneling light taupe. Keep ceiling wood. Paint trim and shutters. Use twin bed as day bed. Use a variety of patterns with all shades of red. Keep primitive wood coffee table and trunk used as a side table. Book shelves with all red books and accessories.

Change of Plans!

At Thanksgiving, I got a little taste of what my multi-green living room could look like. I brought out fabric - long green tablecloths (I'd bought them on sale thinking I'd make a duvet for my bedroom.) I draped the red sofa in them. I moved some of my green furniture into the room, and put out some of the green objets d'art and books.

I hated it. Even though the room was nowhere near the finished version of the space I envisioned, it was enough to let me know I didn't want that much green in my room! It felt oppressive and dark - not at all the look I was hoping for.

Remember the chair I painted John Deere Green? As much as I like the color, I think it's going to go neutral. Or I might sell it and get something else.

I will also paint a primitive cabinet with original dark green paint. It's going white - like this one from Villa Barnes:

I will still use my decorative items, all shades of green, but  they will be used with very light neutral furnishings instead of blacks and greens.

In the scheme of things, I'm going on a much straighter path to what I want. Except for the sofa, I still have pretty much everything I need. What's a little more white paint to get the look you like? (It's a good thing I enjoy painting!)

The other room plans are still pretty much the same - it's just the amounts of green in the living room I plan to change. So, I may keep the sofas in the den, find a new one and make a canvas slip cover for it. I'll keep you posted!

Word for the Day:

Romans 13:12

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Here's to light in all its forms! May you live in the light and all that is in it.


Linking with:

Wednesday - What’s It Wednesday Friday Redoux Link Party Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Show and Tell Saturday 
Sunday Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Monday Metamorphosis Monday Making The World Cuter Monday Motivate Me Monday Show Off Your Cottage Monday


  1. I have painted very square inch of our house!!! :D I love to paint, too. I like your inspirational photos. I think having a plan is more than half the battle. I can't wait to see your rooms when they are done!

  2. Oooh love the inspirational photos! You will have so much fun (work) redoing and restyling your home!

  3. i think you plan is awesome, revi! have fun updating--and by sure to show us:)

  4. Sounds like you have a great plan, and you can always tweak things as you go. I painted my living room white last year and love it! I also just finished painting our basement guest bedroom the same white and what a lovely change! So fresh and easy to use other colours and neutrals too. Good luck with your changes.

  5. But I LOVE the John Deere Green Chair!

  6. Yes I too have lots of color in my house and want a more neutral Swedish/French look. I do wonder for myself if after converting everything, the "it" thing will be to go bold colors again and I will want to change again. Sooooo, I love my red sofa and French settees that are very red, so I am not sure what I will do. I am thnking of converting most of the house to the more neutral colors and leaving my bedroom and living room red for now since I have some expensive red things both places. It's always something, right?

  7. WOW it sounds like you have an awesome plan and i truly adore your inspirations! this is going to be tons of fun to watch it all glad you found me because now i can follow you : ) so happy you enjoy the adventures of Junkin Joe! : )

  8. Wow that is quite a list. I am following you and can't wait to see you bring it all together. Patty

  9. You're right...WORDY! LOL...
    but you know what? I like it.

    I'm in the same spot. I'm ready for something fresh and want a fresh start... I want to change everything. I guess you just take it one project at a time. I'm your newest follower. I can't wait to watch your progress and hopefully-- I'll be doing some of the same!

    so nice to meet you...Pat

  10. Oh, Revi! I can see your vision and everything is going to be gorgeous. I just know it. I often wonder how people get such perfect room. I see that a clear and very specific plan is the way.
    Thanks so much for sharing at our party.Please keep posting as we are all excited for your progress!

  11. Your vision is a beautiful one. I love a clean, white, crisp base too (although you wouldn't know it from the rooms I recently redecorated in my house!)

  12. Revi,
    Wow, that is some plan, should make it easier with a clear vision
    You certainly have your work cut out for you! Your inspirational photos are some of my favorites, can't wait to see your finished rooms as you complete your projects!

  13. Hi Revi, What wonderful inspiration you have. I too want more white. Hubby can't understand why our new home (2 1/2 Yrs) needs changed. We didn't build it and I need to make it me. I'm sure you know what I mean. Lookin good so far, keep up the good work!
    I too love Rosemary Villabarnes work.

  14. This comment from Jann sounds familiar. My husband thinks once you change something it should stay that way till you die. Me, I am the opposite I want to go to the bare walls or studs and start again.
    I think when you get done it will be great and maybe you can help me.
    Have a great Week,

  15. Show me a group of inspirational photos and the white/vintage are the ones I will go to. You have a wonderful vision and game plan. Stick by it, if possible. I let my hubby sway me, and then I am so angry with myself for not sticking by my guns. I only want to shop at antique malls, Craig's List and flea markets. He wants to shop at Rooms to Go or some other big name cookie cutter furniture store. Arghhh!!!

    I eat, sleep and breath decorating blogs and books, etc. 24/7. He looks at the furniture ads in Sunday's paper.

    Enough of that!!! Have a wonderful week and do one thing at a time. I can hardly wait to see your vision come to life.

    Hugs, Jan

  16. I love how you've laid out your plan for each room - it is something to put down what you envision in your mind - I have come across a site called Olio board where you can take these images and put them on a mood board or inspiration board - it helps to bring in the whole picture! I am happy to have visited - looking forward to seeing your progress - your newest follower!
    A Delightsome Life

  17. Wonderful inspirational photos!!! You have lots of work ahead, but I'm sure you will enjoy transforming everything. But do take your time...take it from someone who is always to trying to "rush" can be quite overwhelming at times! :) Can't wait to see all of your changes as you go!


  18. Wow, you're going to be busy.
    If you have time, I have given you an award and tagged you in a game.
    It is alot of work - only do it if you want to !!!

  19. You sure have laid out a plan, and you are going to be busy. The good thing is you can do room by room. It will be fun to see each room being transformed, You I really do love that green chair. Thanks for visiting my thrifting Rose Plate find. Hope you'll share at Sunday's Best.

  20. wow, so many plans makes me dizzy. i love your ideas and will be watching for the updates! many of your ideas are in line with mine. simple, white, done. so much here to absorb.i will keep coming back!

  21. Found you over at What We Keep and can so relate to this post. We are getting ready to paint our entire house again (third time in two years...yikes!). I want a neutral pallet so I can play with the colors I like rather than being stuck with things because of the walls. Looking forward to seeing how your project turns out as I will be following along!
