
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Satisfaction in Small Doses: A Revised Pillow and Mirror

Sometimes, you just need the satisfaction of a quick project or two...especially in the middle of a longer project.

Today, I got a couple of small doses of satisfaction by taking a few minutes to do two quick projects.

Dose #1: Hand Stitching Trim 

Subject: an existing pillow I picked up at the thrift store a few weeks back.

Time required: 15 minutes

Here's an after shot...

A before shot:

It had tassels...snip...snip...snip...snip.

But it cost a buck, and the fabric was right and the size was right...
So a spool of twill ribbon from Hobby Lobby was all I needed.

I like it much better.

I left the old trim on...lazy, but hey, it works. 

A dollar pillow and a $3 spool of ribbon (should have remembered my coupon.) 15 minutes while watching "Midsomer Murders." Not bad.

Dose #2: The Rub 'N' Buff Treatment

Subject: a mirror I found last week at a thrift store last week.

Time required: 5 minutes

It was a a wood tone...I thought it was wood, but it is resin.  I thought I had a before photo, but no. Oops. 

Working on my Major Gallery Wall today...behind the sofa. So far, so good. 

Word for the Day:
1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.


  1. Yes! Sometimes I need smaller projects in the midst of larger ones. I have to step away and do something different, regroup etc. Love your new pillow trim! And that mirror is awesome! I've been working on a mirror wall... slowly but surely. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  2. I usually just buckle a belt around a pillow, but I do like this measuring tape ribbon. It is definitely all coming together now.

  3. I like the new trim on the pillow much better. The mirror is great too!

  4. 2 great projects. Love the mirror!!

  5. My kind of decorating...inexpensive and easy!
    notice I didn't say cheap! Because well, they don't look cheap...;) I like that pillow for sure.
