
Sunday, August 10, 2014

French Chair Full of Antlers

One never knows what she might find at a garage sale...

Especially a Texas garage sale. 

One might find a French chair...or deer antlers. Saturday, it was deer antlers.

I found them at Mary's garage sale. She lives two doors down...a single woman neighbor. 

I think she probably collected them herself, after they were shed in wild places where she hunts for rocks.

She also had rocks for sale...but I didn't buy any. And I love rocks...some were inside a canvas bag for dimes from the Denver Mint. I wanted the bag, but it was not for sale.

I wonder why I've never invited her for coffee before...and maybe I should...

I should just knock on her door one day after work, and tell her I liked her rocks, and I regret not buying at least one...and maybe she might like to have coffee or something.

After all, if she enjoys hunting for rocks, and I enjoy hunting for good junk...we might have even more in common...right?

I thought the antlers looked beautiful piled on the French chair...a jumble of weathered warm gray tones. The chair cost $5 at a thrift store a while back. The frame and cushion were both painted in Annie Sloan French Linen.

The antlers are natural. :)

Word for the Day:
Psalm 42:1-2
As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. 

Possibly Linking With:
Sundays at Home
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Drop it or Swap it Party
Under $100 Link Party
Creative Inspirations
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugal Friday
Junkin’ Joe
Party Junk


  1. Those antlers would make an awesome chandelier.

  2. A bunch of beautifully weathered antlers. You will enjoy finding uses for these. Yes ... you should knock on her door and invite her for coffee. You might find that you have a lot in common. Love your post.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  3. I love the chair and the antlers. And yes, I think you may have common ground with your neighbor. Invite her - go for it!

  4. Interesting photo. I like the feminine rustic feel it has...
    I'm sure you'll do something with those antlers.
    Your neighbor sounds interesting to me. I find anyone interesting that takes time out to hunt for rocks.
    I have a friend, though I've not talked with her in years-- she hunts for arrow heads and has enough to fill a museum. She can spot an Indian mound just from looking at the land. She points and says ...THERE. She is a natural at it...
    go meet your neighbor! I bet she is a fascinating person.

  5. You never know what you'll find...shed antlers...they are beautiful. And maybe you've found a new friend, too!

  6. I like the antlers- I've always wanted to collect some but never could figure out where I'd put them. I always admired those antler lamps too, but I don't have the home for it. I think your idea for the neighbor sounds great- it's hard to make that first step but sometimes it's so rewarding!

  7. i love the rustic antlers with the girly chair, revi:) a $5 fabulous chair-omgosh! what was that store thinking? have a great week!

  8. So true about Texas garage sales, Revi! I bet your neighbor would love to have coffee with you:)

  9. Get on over there and invite her for coffee. :)

    We have deer antlers too that have been collected on our land near Centerville. Do you know where that is? Half way between Dallas and Houston.

  10. What a great find - and love that you used them against that gorgeous chair - perfection !!!

  11. Great chair. Lovely little still life with the antlers! Nice neutral and peaceful vignette.

  12. Well...I want the CHAIR ! :)

  13. so awesome! Love! Featuring you at Sundays at Home later today Revi!
