
Saturday, July 19, 2014

More Vintage Ironstone and Silver Plate Finds...

If you go to garage sales in the summer, sometimes it gets really hot. People tend to close them after noon, at least around here. 

Hannah and I went to several last Saturday in Oklahoma City. It wasn't unbearably hot, but it was pretty warm and humid. We found a few odds and ends at the first few, and then ran some other errands.

We'd had a light lunch and no breakfast, so we were going to eat an early dinner.

On the way, we passed several garage sale signs, and the sales were still going strong at 4 p.m. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to at least drive by for a look. If they had things on our list, or if they looked interesting, we would stop. Dinner could wait.

At the first sale, we found a great chair for Hannah's living room. It had great style, a cushion that needed nothing, and it looked new. On closer inspection, we found a hang tag from Kirkland's with a price near $400. It was a steal at $20.

The next place had "leftovers" from an estate sale. There were estate sale prices on everything, but the nice man running the sale said to ask if we were interested, because the prices were really much cheaper than marked.

The first thing I asked about was a nice, heavy china platter. It was marked $3 and when I asked the price, it was .50c

My heart beat a bit faster when I saw the deep discount, so I asked about some silver plate; first, a tarnished oval platter for Hannah.

I think it was .50c, but it may have been a dollar.
It's the one on top in the photo above.

Feeling bolder, I asked about a couple more pieces...pretty pierced trays. 

I love the art nouveau-ish sort of design in this one. There are no markings.

This tray is also pretty. It is marked "MERIDIEN S.P. CO. INTERNATIONAL S. CO. 757"

I think it was $1.50, but it was a little confusing. 

The last piece I spotted was an ironstone "topless tureen" Donna would like. 

It has a chipped handle, but that didn't stop me from buying it. It might have at one time, but I am learning to embrace imperfection - especially imperfection that comes from age and experience.

It has a mark on the bottom. I think it might be pre-1870.

I found an interesting web site with ironstone and prices HERE

"Jacob Furnival, the maker of Furnival Ironstone is shown in the 1871 census records as Jacob Furnival, age 69, "Retired Manufacturer".  This makes this piece no later than 1870..."

The couple who had the estate sale were friends of the man who had the garage sale, and he said they were in their 90's. It could have belonged to their parents.

At the end, he bundled my ironstone and silver plate and said I could take it for $5 for all. It worked out to $1 per item.

On my way out, I bought really old books - 3 for $1. 

Bottom line, I don't really care if my ironstone tureen is chipped. I think it is beautiful, and I admire it for being around so long.

I suppose there are TWO morals to this story; sometimes the LATE bird gets the least at garage sales. And even very old, imperfect things can be beautiful and loved. (People, too.)

Word for the Day:
Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Possibly Linking With:
Sundays at Home
Mod Mix Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Drop it or Swap it Party
Under $100 Link Party
Creative Inspirations
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugal Friday
Junkin’ Joe
Party Junk - July Thrifty Treasures


  1. Yes, Donna does love the topless tureen - what a beauty with the age to go with it. A bargain on the trays and the chair is great in Hannah's house. Around here sales are over by ten or eleven. Estate sales are rarely past one.

  2. Love your ironstone Riva. Like Donna, I love topless tureens so you can display stuff in them. Timeworn, stains and age marks or scars only make them more precious.

  3. Don't you love finding deals like that?! I can't believe you got the chair for such a great price!

  4. I love the chair you got for Hannah. What a price! I also love the other things. If I am keeping things for myself, I don't care if there are imperfections as they give them character!

    Have a great weekend! Hugs, Dianne

  5. hannah's new chair was an amazing find, revi!! that's what i love most about junking--the thrills of finding something wonderful:)

  6. Wow, you got a steal on your finds! I embrace the imperfections, too! :)

  7. It sounds like you had a perfectly wonderful day with some good deals to boot! Enjoyed seeing everything. Love the silver pieces!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  8. I live in Phoenix, Arizona. In the summer, the heat can be brutal. My garage sale experience is that the hotter the temperatures go, the lower the prices! Have found some great deals at summer garage sales here.

  9. Love that pierced tray. It would make a fab clock.
