
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Is Going to be FUN FUN FUN! Hannah's Thrifty Finds for Her New House...

My daughter is moving into her first house after college graduation last May! (She's been living with family in Houston, and is making a move to another state for a great job.)

Today, she sent i-phone photos of cool things she was finding for her new home (in the works.)

Isn't that metal trunk wonderful? It is on rollers.

I love the pretty patina on these candlesticks, too!

That is a pretty mother of pearl inlaid brass box...

I told her I once had a set of these silver plate coasters, too. 
Wonder what ever happened to them?

EVERY first home needs a copper piggy bank, don't you think?

Last but not least - this little table was $12. She asked if I thought she should get it, and what is the hole for?

I assured her it was a good buy at $12, and thought she might give it a coat of walnut stain and have a marble top cut for it, but I don't have a clue why the hole is you?

Cute little tables with nice lines can be used so many places!

I'm so proud of my sweet girl, and so happy for her! (She said she liked being a grown-up!) 

I think it is very convenient that we have very similar style and taste...:)

I'm looking forward to shopping together in person, and going to the places where she found these things (and more) today!

Word for the Day:
Psalm 144:12
May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, our daughters like corner pillars cut for the structure of a palace;

Possibly Linking With:
Sunday Show-off Link Party
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sundays at Home
Mod Mix Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
Blissfully White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Penny Pinching Party
Under $100 Link Party
Creative Inspirations
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Party Junk
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. awesome trunk!! wonder what that hole was for--it is a darling little table:) hannah must be so excited about the new home and job:)

  2. The table with the hole used to have an ashtray in it. I saw one recently at a flea market in FL. With a slab of marble or even a painted board and you'd never know there was a hole there. Or she could find a small bowl that would fit and place a small plant in it. Or a candy dish...oh I could go on and on...

  3. Hi Revi ... looks like Hannah is off to a good start and a smart shopper to furnish her house with Thrift buys. I love the little table and believe it is a washstand and the hole would have been where the pitcher/bowl would have set. If she does not want to add the pitcher/bowl, she could sit a tray on top and use it for an end table or night stand. Very nice piece for $12.00.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  4. Fun finds...she will have so much fun decorating!
