
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thrifty Life Thursday Link Party #1 - Maiden Voyage!

Welcome to the very first Thrifty Life Thursday Link Party!

This party is intended to be a gathering place for those of you who may frequent thrift stores, flea markets or garage sales. 

If you find previously-owned stuff more interesting than department store stuff, welcome. You are among friends. 

Your finds need not be vintage, such as the orbs I recently found for .50c each at a thrift store. 

You may share them as you find them, or as you have re-invented them to fit your style and your needs.

I do plan to have a few features each please follow and link back. 

Word for the Day:

Proverbs 21:20

Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.


  1. I am so happy to be your very first link up on your new party, Revi! It will be fun!

  2. fun!!! good luck with your first!

  3. Thanks for hosting Revi!
    Congratulations on your new party.
    I joined in-

    White Spray Paint

  4. Congrats on your first linky party!
    I had no idea?
    Thank you for your kind email, I emailed you back...Chapter 1 of my novel I'm currently writing...LOL!
    Now...let's see, if I can get a post in the next couple of days and LINK UP!

    Oh yeah...
    this will be fun.

  5. Congrats on your new party, Revi! I'm happy to link up :)

  6. Congrats on your new party Revi! Happy to be joining in.

  7. Revi ... Thanks for hosting this new kind of party. Congratulations and good luck. Just the perfect kind of party for all us thrifters.
    Audrey Z.
    @ Timeless Treasures

  8. Just found your linky party- 1/13/14. I'll be linking up at your next one!!

  9. Hi Revi. I've tried 4 times to link to the party. I've even tried to link by going to your blog through the link-back I have on my blog. It keeps telling me I don't have a link back. Bummer. I'll come back next week!

  10. I just now learned of your new party and I am thrilled to know about it.
    I love these kind of parties and will be joining you often.
    I am linking up to follow you...and will take your button to my sidebar so help "spread the word" of this great party.
    xo bj
